8- Disappointment

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Sneaking Dean out in the morning was easier said than done. My dad decided to linger in the living room instead of the kitchen. My mom was in the kitchen, setting up breakfast, so the backdoor was out of the question.

"Are you sure you can't jump?" I bit my lip anxiously only to be met with his deadpan face. I knew it was a stupid question, but I figured I'd try again. "Oh! I know, I'll just go outside and fix the ladder, duh!" I wanted to smack myself for not thinking of it earlier. No wonder I was a natural blond.

Dean stretched on the couch, the blanket pooling at his waist. He must have taken his shirt off at some point because my eyes immediately went to his bare chest, followed by his sixpack. Now that he was unclothed, I could see he had more muscle definition than I thought. His arms weren't scrawny but rather he had toned biceps. 

He shook his head, waving his brown locks out of his eyes. He had a lazy smile, probably from just waking up. His eyes scanned around my room, soaking in every detail. It definitely looked different in daylight. 

I was already ready for school. I woke up earlier so I wouldn't be late trying to think of an escape plan. Now, I was regretting not waking Dean up too. If I had, we wouldn't be stuck up here together.

"Your room is huge," he commented, his eyes wandering. I shrugged uncomfortably. I never knew how to react when people talked about this stuff, things that showed my wealth - or should I say my parent's wealth.

A knock came from the door, making us both jump. The door was locked, so I knew no one could barge in. I frantically gestured for him to move out of sight. He ran into my closet before anyone could see him.

I opened the door just enough so my head could pop out. "Hey Justin," I smiled, trying not to showcase the adrenaline coursing through my veins. My palms were sweaty with the thought about being caught.

He narrowed his eyes at me, trying to peek over my shoulders. I shifted, effectively blocking his view with my body. "Mom and dad are calling you for breakfast," he said suspiciously. 

"Cool," I said, trying to close the door. His arm shot out in the space between, not allowing me to. "What?"

"Is everything okay?" 

I had to think of a quick excuse for my behavior. "Yeah! Uh..." Think. "Actually I went to Victoria Secret this weekend and my bras and underwear are all over the place. Didn't think you wanted to see that." Damn! Good save!

His face turned red and he looked mortified. He mumbled a response and removed his arm, turning on his heel to go to his room. I snickered at his embarrassment and closed the door. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and told Dean it was all clear to come out.

"Bras? Really?" He asked amusedly.

I shrugged. "It worked, didn't it?"

Once I was sure the hallway was clear, I slowly opened the door and closed it behind me, making sure I had my phone in hand. I tiptoed downstairs, hiding out of sight from my parents. My dad glanced at me but didn't say a word. 

When I finally made it outside, I ran around the house and found the ladder sprawled out on the ground. I struggled to pick it up, but after a lot of grunting, it was successfully leaning against the house.

I called Dean and let him know it was ready. From above, I could hear my window sliding open.

"Hey, Bella!" A voice came from the other side of the fence. I froze, hoping it wouldn't be who I thought it was.

I glanced down at my phone, seeing I was still on the phone with Dean. Slowly turning, I was met face to face with Andrew, a fence separating us. "Hey, Drew!" I said loudly, hoping the boy in my room would take the hint and not come down. I couldn't imagine how this would look to Andrew if he did.

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