10- It's Official

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Unedited :)

The third week of Friday came quick, much quicker than I wanted. 

It was a third football game of the semester, the second home game.

It was also the day I was throwing the afterparty.

And when Dean and I were going "official."

Over the past week and a half, I eased up on my visible hatred of him and even talked about him more and more to Jaz. Her belief was the most important to me. If she was convinced, then I knew I was set.

We tried to fight less too, but that was nearly impossible.

My leg was bouncing in anticipation. We originally decided that we'd do it at the party, but I realized that everyone would be too drunk to care. The school day was a better option.

So that's why I was nervously sitting in my car, waiting for Dean to meet me. We decided on something subtle, just walking into school, holding hands. 

My car relaxation time was anything but. The nerves were eating me alive. I just wanted to get it over with.

As each minute passed, I started to doubt this plan even more. 

My passenger side door opened and Dean crawled in, grinning ear to ear. "Someone's excited," I mumbled. 

"Do you want to wait or..."

"No, let's get this over with." I cut the engine and crawled out, no matter how much my brain was telling me not to. 

Dean met me at the hood of my car. He handed me something and I looked up at him in shock. "Put it on, it'll make it more convincing."

I shrugged on his leather jacket, the one he wore almost every day. I've rarely seen him without it, even on days where it's scorching hot. 

His entwined with me and he amusedly smiled. "You're shaking."

I felt moments away from a panic attack. "I need Dylan," I gasped. 

He turned me toward him and gripped my shoulders. "No, you don't." He emphasized each word. "Listen to me. You're okay, we're okay. All we're doing is holding hands, okay?" I nodded and exhaled. 

I could do this.

He smiled and squeezed my hand before dragging me inside. As soon as the door opened, all eyes were on us - or that's what it felt like. 

I nervously looked at the floor, trusting Dean would guide me. Hushed whispers sounded around us.

People at this school really have nothing better to do than gossip.

Dean squeezed my hand again and stopped at my locker. My hand dropped his as I put in my locker combination. He leaned against the lockers, staring at me.

"You good?" He asked quietly. I nodded, not trusting my words. I shoved my textbooks in my bag and realized how much I really was shaking. I slammed my door shut and looked up at him.

In one swift motion, he pushed me against the lockers, his hands on either side of my head. My eyes widened at our proximity. 

"Our audience is watching," he mumbled so only I could hear. Sure enough, Drew was across the hall. Taylor was with him, but his gaze remained on us. 

His thumb grazed my cheek, like he did that day in the storage closet. But this time, he dragged it down to my lips and outlined them. His gaze locked on my lips and my breath hitched in my throat.

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