42- The Text

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Me: Are you going to spend the night tonight?

Dean: Wow Arabella could you be more desperate? ;)

Dean: Not tonight, I have some business to take care of.

I was hoping he wouldn't say that. Not because I was desperate to see him again, but because I was starting to think that random text message I got was not so random.

"So Ary, what's going on between you and that Reece kid?" My mom's sweet voice pulled me away from my phone. We were both chilling in the living room. I was working on homework and she was snuggled up with a good book.

It was weird to see her so casual. Her perfect blond hair cascaded down her shoulder. She was wearing a hoodie from her old college and baggy pants. She wore glasses instead of her usual contacts.

My mom was a doctor so that meant she always either wore scrubs or a professional outfit with a lab coat. Her hair was often tied up and I barely saw it down, even at home.

She looked younger today.

"Reece? Nothing. We're just friends," I explained, glancing at her. She had a small smile playing on her lips. "I promise mom, nothing's going on between us."

She closed her book and sat beside me. I pushed my homework onto the coffee table and faced her.

She absentmindedly grabbed a strand of my hair, which was nearly identical to hers, and started twirling it. "We never really talked about what happened between you and Dean, and even Andrew." She paused and looked me in the eyes. "You never really talk about it and I know I don't like pushing you, but it's not good to keep it in."

I sighed, deciding to tell her. She was my mother after all. "Well, I'm still hurt about Andrew. I can't believe he actually used me like that. He wasn't who I thought he was, and it sucks. I can't believe I was so desperate over him." Tears welled in my eyes as I remembered the incident, surprising me. I thought I was done crying over that scumbag. And I sure as hell didn't expect to be so hurt over it. "I liked him for so long. Seeing him talk about me like that... all the nice things he did for me, it all seemed like a lie."

She pulled me into her shoulder and stroked my hair as I silently cried. I thought I was over Andrew, but I guess not. I didn't even like him anymore, but he caused me more pain than I realized.

"I know it's hard for you to trust after that," she cooed in my ear.

Then I started crying harder. "It is. Especially with Dean, mom. I like him so much, but he keeps secrets. How am I supposed to trust him when he isn't completely honest with me?"

She held me at arms' length and looked me dead in the eyes. "Sometimes secrets are kept to protect you. I'm not saying he has to lie all the time, but he has the right to not tell you something if it involves him."

"But what if it's something big?" I whispered.

"If he truly loves you, he'd tell you."

Woah woah woah! Back up! Love? Who said anything about love?

"So are you two on better terms?" She raised her eyebrows, giving me a knowing smile that only moms could give.

"Kinda," I mumbled, sniffling up the last of my tears. "We're talking now, so it's an improvement."

She nodded and brushed my hair out of my face. "Look, he's a nice boy. I'm sorry all this drama with Andrew happened. It hurts me to see you so cautious. I hope Dean proves you can trust him."

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