47- Home

521 28 11

D e a n

"Hey mom, I'm home," I called out into the house. I knew was around here somewhere, I just needed to specifically pinpoint where.

Fluffy, my pitbull, came charging at us. Normally I'd be freaked out, but she's taken a liking to Arabella, so there's nothing to worry about.

"Hey, kid. I'm just whipping up some dinner before I head to work," my mom's voice called out from the kitchen. I slumped down from relief. At least she wasn't upstairs. This made things incredibly easier.

"Do you know where the room is?" I whispered to Arabella, who meekly nodded. I gestured toward the stairs and she hesitantly went up. Fluffy followed her up and I could sense she was comforted by that.

I wandered into a kitchen and Lily bumped into my legs. "Dede!" she screamed, putting her hands up. I grabbed her and rested her on my hip.

"Hi," my mom said as she glanced at me before turning back to her food. "You're all soaked."

"Yeah, it was raining outside," I pointed out. Lily squirmed in my arms and I let her go. She immediately clung to my mom's leg. She was used to her daughter's shenanigans. I mean, you'd think after three kids, she'd be satisfied. But no, she just had to have Lily too.

"How was your visit with Damien? You were there for a while. I was thinking the two of you would never show up to Thanksgiving dinner." She held up a wooden spoon and I opened my mouth to taste her food.

I gave her a thumbs up and she grinned. "It was good," I answered, referring to her spoken question.

She gave me a flat look at my lame response but sighed. "Alright, well, go change. You're going to catch a cold."

I pulled her in for a loose hug and kissed her on the cheek. "I have to write an essay too so I probably won't be down before you leave. Have fun at work."

She patted my cheek and resumed her stirring. "Don't forget to keep an eye on Lily. Make sure she eats, okay?"

I started making my way out of the kitchen, stopping at the doorway to answer. "Yes, mom. Geez, you make it seem like I'm a bad brother." She only chuckled in response. "Shout when you leave so I know to come down," I added. 

I made my way up the stairs, praying Arabella found her way. I slowly opened my bedroom door, glad I actually cleaned before she came. I didn't really plan to bring her home today, but I'm glad I did.

Technically, I hadn't been in this room for almost two weeks. I cleaned before I left so my mom wouldn't be on my ass when I came back. Thank God for premonition.

I was amused at the sight in front of me. Arabella was laying on the floor, staring at the ceiling. She was absentmindedly petting Fluffy, who took comfort on her stomach.

It was a very cute view.

Without missing a beat, she explained while laying still on the floor. Her eyes were looking up at the ceiling. "I didn't want to get your bed wet so I sat on the floor."

I chuckled, taking a seat next to her. Her head turned toward me and my breath caught in my throat. She looked so... perfect. Her cheeks were flushed and lips slightly swollen. Her damp hair fanned around her face. She looked angelic.

I wanted to ruin her.

"Well, now you'll smell like wet dog," I teased, pushing the thoughts away. Now was not the time to think about how kissable she was.

She just shrugged and made no move to push Fluffy off of her. It surprised me. Out of all the girls I've brought home – which wasn't many – most would either be terrified of my sweet little angel. The others would simply ignore her. I know I said Fluffy would attack strangers, but that was a lie. If anything, she'd attack with kisses and licks. I really only said that to make Arabella feel special. From the looks of it though, Fluffy really really liked her.

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