39- Old Times

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Hope your holidays are going well :)

When Monday finally came around, I put my bravest face on. I cut down my vibe time in my car to meet with Jaz. I figured we could talk about Friday night and how she's been feeling since she confessed her secret to Dylan.

Her eyes slightly widened when she saw me and she pushed herself off the locker she was leaning on. I made eye contact and went to my locker, implying for her to follow. When she stood next to my open door, I absentmindedly made conversation as I emptied my bag.

"So, how have things been?"

She leaned against the locker next to me, casually crossing her arms. "Same since the last time I saw you– daaaaamn!"

I furrowed my brows and turned to her, but she was focused on something – or someone – else. My eyes followed her line of vision to see Dean walking in.

Something was different today. Maybe it was because I was never around to actually see him walk in, but wow...

He walked in with confidence, even slight cockiness. He ran his hand through his already disheveled hair and it looked like it was happening in slow motion, making him seem even more badass. His green eyes mischievously glinted as he kept his focus straight ahead. He was wearing his signature leather jacket, of course. He also had a pair of Ray-Bands perched on top of his head, even though the sun had barely risen.

I swear the girls were all staring at him. I couldn't even focus on my jealousy because he looked so damn good.

His eyes met mine for a brief second before he looked ahead of him, walking down the hallway. His lips curled into a tiny smirk as he passed and I definitely heard sighs of pleasure.

Jaz's sharp elbow pulled me back into reality. After all, I was practically drooling over him. "Damn, he looks good today," she whistled. "I know we're supposed to say bad things about each other's crushes, but I seriously can't today."

If things hadn't changed, I would've probably been annoyed at her and even more annoyed at myself. But things were different now.

I bit back a small smile and turned back to my locker. "I've seen better." Lie. If I wanted to really sell the act, I needed to start now. After all, Reece could be anywhere.

Her brows quirked in surprise. I didn't say anything else and neither did she. Instead, we looped arms and went to English.

Mr. Cullen gave us a nod of acknowledgment as we walked in together and I saw Dean was already in his seat. The one next to my desk, of course. Just because we had to pretend to hate each other didn't mean we had to be physically apart.

"Where's our child?" he asked as soon as I took a seat. Rolling my eyes, I pulled Termy out of my backpack and gave it to him. He looked abhorred but I only shrugged in response. I didn't really want to carry him around all day. That carrier was the equivalent of carrying a five-pound dumbbell around.

"Please take that thing," I said dramatically. This project sucked. Like really bad.

"What would Mrs. Wilson think about your parenting skills Arabella? No wonder we're getting a divorce."

"That's why you're getting full custody," I retorted. The corners of his mouth lifted into an amused smile.

Jaz nudged me on the other side, giving me a questioning look. I shook my head, dismissing it as our usual antics.

"Don't forget you're keeping him today," I said to Dean, who made a less than happy face.

Mr. Cullen began teaching and I zoned out, as per usual. I wish his pretty face made me want to pay attention, but it did not. We were talking about essay elements and the topic itself was so boring.

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