12- Secrets Are No Fun

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"So, let me get this straight. You and Dean are fake dating to make Andrew and Jasmine jealous?"

"Yes!" I replied exasperatedly. "It's all in the journal! Did you even read it?"

Mr. Cullen scratched his head as his brows pulled together, creating a wrinkle in between. "There's a lot of characters in your journal," he sighed. "I can't keep track." 

"Funny, you seemed to keep track when you involved two of the people in our after-school activity." I grimaced, thinking back to the day where he invited both Dean and Drew to help him out. As much as I enjoyed the attention, the testosterone was too much to handle. They were practically killing each other with their eyes. 

He chuckled, making me even more annoyed. "You know, at first glance, I did not expect all this sass from you. I can see why D-" He stopped himself from finishing his sentence and quickly changed the topic. "Um, so how was your party?"

"No, no, I want to hear what you were going say," I said, urging him to continue. The fact that he changed the subject so quickly was interesting, so he must have not been up to any good.

He awkwardly cleared his throat. "Uh, it's not important." I watched him leave the classroom and go into the storage room. "You know, we're almost done in here."

"Aw darn," I sighed, genuinely disappointed. I actually enjoyed spending time with Mr. C. He was a funny guy and I loved hearing his input on my life. He seemed to like keeping me around, listening to my gossip. I'm sure my life sounded like a soap opera to him.

He poked his head out the door and grinned. "Don't worry Bella, you can still stick around. I'll find work for you to do."

"Really?" I asked eagerly. 

He nodded and ducked back inside. I dangled my legs off the desk as he shuffled around, occasionally cursing under his breath. 

My post-party weekend was boring as ever. Everyone had something to do, so no one wanted to hang out. Even Justin spent the days at his friend's house, only coming back to sleep. My parents were out of town for a conference. My mom was speaking at a convention, and my dad tagged along like he usually did. They were supposedly coming home tonight, which was exciting. I hated a quiet house.

The bigger the house, the more space for silence to set in.

I kept myself busy by binging movies. Since it was still the fourth week of school, we barely had hard work. The lessons were still pretty easy, but I knew that would change soon.

I can't believe almost a month of school finished. It felt like just yesterday, I was running into Mr. C's class with Jaz.

My phone chimed and I fished it out of my pocket.

Jaz: How's your "boyfriend"??

Me: He's great :)

Jaz: I still don't buy it...

Me: Maybe you're choosing not to believe it

Jaz: WTF does that even mean?

Me: Maybe you don't want to think that we're dating because it makes you upset

Jaz: Are you implying I'm jealous??

Me: Maybe...

She stopped typing and I victoriously smiled. She didn't deny she was jealous, so our plan must have been working on her end too.

But all my hopes were crushed when her contact picture flashed on my screen. I picked up her call, not even getting a chance to say hi.

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