37- The Truth Comes Out... Kinda

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"I'm jealous."

At first, I wasn't sure if I heard him right. He actively avoided looking at me, which made me realize he said what I thought.

"Why?" I faintly whispered.

In a flash, his gaze hardened. He looked at me with a mix of frustration and anger. His green eyes were darkening by the second. "I thought I made my feelings clear for you."

"Oh right," I scoffed. My arms defensively crossed over my chest. "So clear. You obviously liked me so much that you decided to ignore me when you realized I wasn't going to sleep with you." My tone was starting to get louder.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "What? That's not - What?" he spluttered in disbelief. "I wasn't ignoring you because of that!"

"Then why?" I really hoped Justin was gone by now or else he'd witness the screaming match of the century.

He moved in even closer. "Because I freaking confessed my feelings to you and you just brushed me aside! Do you realize how dumb I felt? I finally opened up to you and that's how I got treated."

Oh! Oh.

I softened. "I..." 

I didn't even know how to respond to that. I had him all wrong.

"You what Arabella?"

I couldn't believe it. This entire time, I thought he was the asshole, but it was me. I mean, he was an asshole, but I was the cause of it so that made me worse.

I can't believe I could've prevented all of this.

You know what they say; actions speak louder than words. Instead of responding, I crashed my lips into his. All anger I had slowly faded. He was surprised for a second but kissed me back feverishly.

My hands cupped his face and he leaned in even closer. I slowly lowered myself onto the bed and he hovered above me, using his arms to support himself.

My heart was doing freaking somersaults. I was finally getting to kiss him after so long. His lips felt just as good as the first time, if not better.

One of his hands skimmed up and down my side and mine found their way into his hair. He was putting all his emotions into the kiss. I could feel his frustration and anger, but also passion. Electricity rushed through me, along with utter happiness. I didn't realize just how much I enjoyed kissing him until now.

He pulled away first. He stared at me in awe, his mouth slightly parted and eyes wild. His lips were swollen, and I'm sure mine were too.

His hand brushed against my cheek, leaving trails of fire behind. We stayed in this position for a minute, trying to even our breathing. I admired his face, my eyes moving from his lips to his eyes to his jaw. He was absolutely stunning.

"As much as I'm enjoying this," he smirked, "we really need to talk." I sighed as he got off me, sitting back on the bed. I stayed lying down but he grabbed my shoulders, forcing me into an upright position.

"Fine," I groaned. As much as I wanted to talk, I wanted to kiss more.

He looked a little amused at my disappointment, but turned serious. "Look, you made it pretty obvious you didn't really know your feelings for me. I was pissed that you decided to end this relationship without my consent."

"I guess you're right," I mumbled. "But when I said you could hook up with other girls, I didn't mean it."

He looked at me incredulously. "You're absolutely insane." Then he lowered his voice. "I wouldn't have done it honestly. I was pissed at you and I wanted to make you mad. But, I tried the whole ignoring thing and you didn't seem to care. Then I thought maybe I could make you jealous."

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