29- Suspicious

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Arabella's POV

"Ary, when is that nice boy coming to have dinner with us?" my mom asked sweetly, stabbing her breakfast. 

My dad peaked over his newspaper. "Or is he still scared of us?"

"Who, Dean?" I asked nonchalantly, playing with my egg. "He's not coming." My mom sympathetically put her hand on mine, nicely asking for an explanation. "I've sworn off boys."

Justin snorted from across the table and we all looked at him. "According to a new rumor, you're dating Reece."

I scrunched my nose. Did the student body not have anything better to do? Why did they assume I was with every boy I hung out with? 

"Who's Reece?" my dad asked casually. Even my mother looked at me expectantly. Gosh, they were so nosy.

"Oh, well, he's actually tutoring me in calculus," I replied sheepishly.

My mom furrowed her brows. "I thought Dean was doing that?"

"Dean is... well we aren't on speaking terms," I admitted. "It's complicated, but assume he's out of my personal life."

They all nodded slowly. I could see them craving more of an explanation, but I didn't have one. I'm pretty sure they all thought boys were still a sensitive subject. Besides, they knew I wouldn't hide anything from them.

Except for all the things I was lying about.

"What a shame, he was a good kid," my dad finally spoke up. Justin glanced at me with a mischievous glint in his eye. I threatened him with a glare. I don't know how much longer he could hold Dean's criminal past over my head but I hated the power it gave him.

"I need to go to school. Justin, you want a ride?" I said abruptly so he wouldn't spill secrets that weren't his to tell.

He looked taken aback by my question. "Uh... sure."

I got up from the table and he followed behind. I grabbed my bag and keys and escaped to my car. 

We stayed oddly silent throughout the car. I wasn't in the mood to talk, and neither was he. Instead, we drove in silence.

My mood was so off that I didn't even have vibe time today. I was annoyed just thinking about Dean and sitting alone with my thoughts wouldn't help.

Justin left the car so fast you'd think he was suffocating in there. Then again, I always threatened him to leave before me so we wouldn't be seen together...

It's a sibling thing.

English wasn't as bad when Mr. Cullen and I were on good terms, but he wasn't here today.

Neither was Dean. Shocker.

And Jasmine, she was avoiding me like the plague for some reason unknown to me.

So it was safe to assume it was the most boring class ever. 

I decided to corner her at lunch. It's not like Mr. Cullen was here to keep me company anyway. It was either that or deal with a very awkward meal and I wasn't too keen on that idea.

"Okay, what is your problem?" I whispered so only she could hear once we were all seated at the table.

She nervously picked at the fray on her jeans. "I don't know what you're talking about."

I narrowed my eyes and put my hand on top of hers, forcing her to stop the annoying habit. "Cut it out. Why are you acting so weird?"

She no longer kept the denial. "How much of the party do you remember?"

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