28- Missing Link

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I sighed and leaned back in my seat, closing my eyes to enjoy the music.

"Bella, I know you hate when I interrupt vibe time, but I have to ask again. You don't remember anything from Friday night?"

Ah, yes. Friday night. Dylan's party.

"No." I popped open my eyes and glared at Dylan. "I told you, besides you and Jaz making out, I don't remember much. But trust me, nothing could have scarred me more than that."

He breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank God."

"Do I want to know? Oh God... we didn't do anything, right?" I nervously asked, my eyes bugging out of my head.

He frantically shook his head. "No! No no no! You might've been blacked out but I wasn't."

"Oh, good." Now I was the relieved one. "Did Dean ever show up?" I asked, eyeing the said boy through the windshield as he got off his motorcycle. He took off his helmet and brushed his hand through his hair, making him look incredibly hot. 

"I don't know, I was a little busy," Dylan shrugged.

I nodded and watched Dean disappear into school. "Okay, now shut up or leave. I have a lot of thinking to do." 

Dylan silently sat in the car with me. 

When I woke up in Dylan's bed after the party, I felt weird. I had this feeling that something happened the night before, but I couldn't remember. Dylan convinced me it was just kissing Jasmine, but I felt like it was about more than a peck on the lips.

One thing was for sure: I woke up with the taste of cigarettes in my mouth. 

The bell rang, pulling me out of my thoughts. We both got out of the car, him holding my backpack for me.

He slid it over to me as we parted ways and I sighed as I took my seat.

Jasmine awkwardly avoided my gaze, for whatever reason. Before I could ask what was up, Mr. Cullen stood up.

"Guys," he sighed. "I have to say, I'm a little disappointed in your journals. There was a major lack in passion," his eyes met my gaze and I slumped down in my seat. "What happened? Come on!"

He passed back the journals and mine had a little note attached to it. 

See me.

"Continue working on your Romeo and Juliet worksheets," he ordered, looking directly at me. Once everyone was focused on their work, I walked up to his desk. 

"You wanted to see me?" I asked quietly.

He nodded. "Notice anything different?"

My jaw dropped open in realization. Mr. Cullen was actually growing out a beard! He had a light stubble, which was hardly noticeable. It didn't matter though, he was trying!

"So, I do believe you're done being mad at me?"

"Okay, this is impressive even for you. Yeah, I'm not mad anymore," I sighed.

He grinned at me. "Cool, so will I see you after school today? Your dry journal is keeping me on edge. You couldn't keep me even a little entertained?"

"Yeah! Wait, no. I can't." I furrowed my brows in frustration. "I'm getting tutored."

His smile dropped and he looked disappointed, which weirded me out. I truly thought he couldn't give two shits about me, but here he was, acting sad we couldn't hang out.

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