The Riddle Master - 2

570 41 17

Clue after clue is being smashed by the three main contenders.  That being Shifu of course, the Demon Lord and the King of a large northern tribe, which one of those girls is the daughter of.  Chang Shan said it is the first time that King has made it into the top three, so the excitement for those girls is very high which is only increasing every time Shifu gets pushed back by the Demon Lord.

This is a tough race, its dirty too, because both that King and the Demon Lord are not only working together, but they are pulling some sneaky tricks to push Shifu out of the race.  Several times, his cloud has been pushed back and his attempts thwarted by one while the other creates several diversions to try and put him off.  Like raising an illusion barrier that is mirroring Shifus surroundings in the hope that he will steer his course in a different direction.

And not only that, but those girls insults are now loud enough for Shifu to hear and its affecting his ability to concentrate.

"I wonder how many babies she'll have by the end of her apprenticeship?" one asks which sets off their laughter again.

"If she had a baby to each of those Disciples who are from all over the world,  would that then make her the Mother of the Nation or the Whore of the world?"

Their laughter is truly hideous and spiteful but what's worse,  I am now getting an understanding of what they mean.  Shifu told me that the cucumber is really a penis and a penis is what fertilizes the eggs in a womans belly.  But being here on a cloud as a  girl while surrounded by boys that I see as my brothers and nothing more, is making my face hot from embarrassment and anger.  I love my brothers very much, we are all a big happy family.   

Shifu told me that only married couples can perform the ritual of creating babies, and though I know I am not fully understanding how this is done, I know enough to know that what they are suggesting is so vile and disrepectful, that I can feel my anger building to a rage which has Shanhu quickly taking hold of my arm to keep me close.

"They are only trying to get you to into the arena Xiaobai, don't let them get to you, its just words!" he is saying kindly while Die Feng quickly snatches at Fu Yu who has already drawn his sword to rip their bellies open.

"Look at how shameless she's being.  She's all over him, and in public too!" one of them yells out so loudly, that the other spectators are beginning to look at us and not only is Shanhus arm about my shoulders,  but they are seeing it as something else entirely.  They are being so mean spirited and nasty that all I can do is cry.  

 Chang Shan and Cheng Bao also add their kind words to keep me calm, but those girls and their hateful words are going beyond playful banter that I was led to believe would happen.  Rather, it is a personal attack against me and my brothers, which is making me feel less like a Disciple of Kunlun Mountain and a part of their family, and more like an outsider who has perhaps breached what was once a sacred union between men.

I have never felt so much like an outsider and I'm trying really hard to keep it together but the more they continue to yell insults, the more spectators they are drawing to themselves now that they know who I am, and the more my brothers and even Shifu are being insulted and its all because of me!  

Even worse, is many of the other spectators are from the Tribes that my father had attacked all those years ago,  and now they too are adding their own insults.  Though they are less viscous with their words, the intent to anger us into the arena and even unsettle Shifu, is there.

"I bet she pulled that prank just to get herself onto that mountain.  After all, no girl has ever been accepted until she ran away from the Grove and caused our loved brothers to be killed."

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