Liwei - 2

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I don't know what I was thinking, but I don't dare stop to think about it, instead, hand in hand we run for the southern boundary of Kunlun which should take us onto the path where we will have to pass through several small realms and one final larger one before he reaches his own barriers.  And even though we are both exceptionally fit and can run for miles, we both know that it will  still take at least three days to get him home safely because obviously we can't run the entire way.  But we go as far as we can until eventually I am pulling on his hand to stop and rest.

I don't know why I am feeling so tired all of a sudden, but I do need to rest, because I feel a little dizzy.  But if we are going to run the majority of the way, then we will have to stop and start regularly in order to keep going.  Im puffing and so is he, but we manage to make it into a clump of trees and out of sight before falling onto our butts to catch our breath.   I know for certain that the spell I wove is still in action so those soldiers will be kept busy chasing my other selves for some time yet, only this isn't really on my mind, but rather my rumbling tummy.

 I really didn't think this through clearly, because not only is it late afternoon, but we have no way to buy food or even a place to sleep for the night and being a rather pampered girl, this aspect of being on the run is only just dawning on me.

"There is no need for you to go any further Bai Qian, we are well away from Kunlun Mountains boundaries and I can find my way back from here." he says when he finally catches his breath to look at worried me.

"No...." I say panting.....  "Your powers are weak here.  You might be able to see the lingering energy, but you cannot feel it when it's close.  You need me to at least get you close enough to your barriers where you can then call for assistance if you need to." I tell him which he really cannot deny, he didn't even feel those weak guards sneaking up on us, so there is no way he is going to manage with anyone with even higher energy.   "And besides, if Prince Sang Ji knows you have gone missing, then so will the rest of the world, there are probably many others searching for you." I tell him which has his head hanging low.

"I have brought trouble on you." he says softly and looking terribly guilty that I immediately throw my arms around his shoulders and pull him towards me.

"I chose to follow Liwei, there is nothing for you to feel guilty for." I tell him most kindly which he smiles at but still, he is not happy with whatever thoughts are swirling in his head, so I hug him harder being the only thing I have at my disposal to make him feel better.

And very tentatively, his come up to hug me back.  It is kind of awkward, because we are stealing a precious moment while also keenly searching our surroundings for any movement which is only highlighting the precarious situation we are now in.  Still, I do find a nice comfort in his arms, so I enjoy it until eventually he pulls back to drag me to my feet.

"Bai Qian.  I mean it.  There is no need for you to go any further, I will stay in the shadows, and my energy finder will keep me safe from here on in." he says before pulling away with a look that says I have to leave him here.

Well, if there is one thing he should have learned from all the letters I have sent him over the years, it is my stubbornness and not to mention that fact that he had risked so much just to come and see me, to personally explain his lack of communication, while also risking his life just to confess his feelings for me.  I can't abandon my new boyfriend in his greatest hour of need, so I snatch at his hand and drag him back for another hug.

"We are a couple now, what happens to you, happens to me, I am not going anywhere." I tell him as his arms come back up and this time the embrace feels far more real.  He has pulled me even closer to him until there is absolutely no gap between us and suddenly I want to cry.  I can't explain it, but it feels so exciting that I can barely believe that we are both on the run from the authorities, yet here we are hugging in a thicket of trees.  And I don't mean just hugging, but for real hugging, it feels so amazing.

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