Moody Days and Elastic Bands

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 I'm feeling irritable and have been for some time, and Shifus classes are only increasing it the longer I sit here and listen to the boring drone of his voice not to mention a topic that is just making me mad.

"Shifu.  If Perpetual Motion is impossible, then what is the point of studying it?" I moan loudly seeing as I have just sat through an entire three hour session on the subject, to then learn it is only possible in theory, but as yet no such anything has been created to prove it because it's an impossibility as it will break some other law of thermodynaics and having actually paid attention for most of the class which is as close to perpetual motion that my brain will ever get, Im kind of peed off because it was a complete waste of my time!

"Seventeen.  There is no need for the insolence!" Die Feng growls at the way I am kicking my feet at the rug in annoyance while glaring at Shifu as if he is nothing more than a perpetual drain on my brain and the way my arms are angrily crossed over my chest insolently says I don't care, because I hate physics even more now!

"But we've just wasted a whole three hours on something that isn't even possible so what's the point in learning about it?" I ask angrily as the poor dog eared rug takes even more kicks from my huffy feet.

Looking back at grumpy me, Shifus eyes don't even waver an inch even though it is obvious by the soft sigh, that he is now annoyed, instead, he lowers the book he has been teaching from to address my question which I just know is going to be as boring as the past three hours.

"Seventeen.  I never said it was impossible.  I said it has not yet been proven possible even though there are many factors which hinder its possibility." he says with a hint of annoyance in his own tone, which only makes me even grumpier.

I don't know what it is about Shifu, or even everything in the whole world, but everything is annoying me and the condescending way he is looking at me as if I just asked a dumb question is making me more irritated, I mean, we've been on physics for months now, and I just wish he'd find something else to occupy his boredom instead of offloading it onto me!

"Then my question still stands doesn't it!" I snip back and fully over this whole day which he is ruining with his dumb fake smile and stupid tender eyes which I can't even look at!

Catching a glance at my brothers, I can see that they are not impressed with my attitude.  Just this morning, Chang Shan growled me just because I didn't want to do my chores for the day.  Its that time of the month again, and I woke up sore, but Im not telling him that, instead I told him if he felt the floors were so dirty, then he should clean them himself before snatching my breakfast off the table and going outside to eat and only because I just wanted to be alone.  You'd think I burned the school down, the way he reacted.  Not only did he take my breakfast off me, but he almost threw the mop and bucket at my head which ended in a big argument which then ended with me kneeling in front of Buddha who doesn't care about me anyway, so of course I entered the classroom in a bad mood which is only getting worse the longer Shifu stands there looking all mooney eyed at me.

"Seventeen, it seems as if we have reached a impasse with this lesson." he's now saying as I glare back but still a little curious as to what he might mean by that, so I don't interrupt.  "So lets put it to the test shall we?" he smiles at me and then then my brothers with a twinkle in his eye which finally gives me something to actually pay attention to.  If its a competition, then Im so in!

"You are all to create a perpetual motion device.  You may use whatever materials you like, however you are to use your own free time.  I will give you two weeks and the one who can create a device that can retain its motion for at least a year if not perpetually, will win a prize." he says which instantly has my eyes crossing over themselves as the competitive side of me begins to kick in..  

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