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Thunder is rolling in overhead and the rain is blasting against my face as I struggle to my feet to look around.  Only I can barely see a thing through the sheer red veil of silk that is plastered to my face and for a few moments, the fear threatens my mind as I also struggle to remember what happened and why I am standing on a rock halfway up a cliff, barefoot and shivering in what looks to be a wedding gown.

Really!  I need to leave Shifus wine alone.  It might not be as sweet as Zhe Yans, only it is so powerful, that I think Im so drunk I have lost my mind, becausenow  a large hawk I've never seen the likes of, is squawking loudly in my face and scaring me straight into the jagged rock face directly behind me.  Either I am having one hell of drunken illusion, or Im flying high on làngdàng which is an hallucinogenic that is used prmarily in the Mortal Realm, though it is known to be used in the Immortals Lower Realms.  Either way, I must be on something because I have no idea where I am and how I got here.

Watching as the large Hawk screeches away, I can't help but feel a familiar essence in its aura though I forget all about it, when I peel the veil away from my face and fully take in my surroundings.  And it is only then, that the memory of the last few days comes back to me.  I am on a cliff face looking down upon the Demons Purple Palace which from my vantage point, only makes it seem that much larger, because even from up here, I still can't see all of it.  Or at least not in this driving rain that is sparkling under every crackle of lightening.

But even more terrifying than me standing on a cliff edge dressed in a wedding gown and struggling to pull the veil off my face, is the flare of energy erupting from one part of the Palace that looks to be on fire.  There are people racing out of every door and balcony in their attempt to both escape and to see what is going on because even over the lightening, I can hear the distinct sounds of a battle in progress.

And that is what is most terrifying, because I have no idea what is happening or who might be at war with the Demons or even if they are fighting among themselves.  Shifu did say they are a lively bunch and often take to battling among themselves to keep their deadly enthusiasm alive when things get a little boring.  Only I am stuck here on this mountain with no way down, cold, wet and now in tears, because I want my Shifu!

Only it isn't until I see Demon soldiers streaking across the sky from the other side of the Palace that I realize whatever is happening is far more than just a few bored Demons getting out of hand, this is an actual battle and despite the tears and numbing fear, my sight remains rivited on the fire and streaks of energy blasting through the Palace walls which is causing the fire to spread and with it comes the memories of the past few days which has me once again staring down at this wedding dress in disbelief. 

My entire body falls to my knees in the hope that it is Shifu who has come to rescue me.  And though I am in this wedding dress, my hand automatically reaches for my pin and once again I am repeating those words to send me home, only like before, it flickers a little but quickly dies, which has me wondering if Shifu was able to detect my attempt to go home and was able to hone in on his energy to pinpoint me.  This seems plausible after all its his energy, and being a super High God, who knows what kind of magic he possesses.

And it is looking far more likely, because that hawk is back to check on me.  And it is then that I realize why I recognized it, it is Shanhu and my heart immediately begins to swell at the sight of his beautiful form.  He is enromous in this form, almost as big as his human form, but those eyes of his are unmistakable, the soft tenderness in them is most heartwarming and for a few seconds, he merely checks me over with a critical eye, I guess to ensure that I am not too badly injured before once again returning to the battle that is now spilling out into the open air.

And it is then that I catch a glimpse of firelight speeding towards me so fast, that my immediate response is to duck having thought it was a piece of masonry being exploded towards me, only to cry out when a bit of my hair is suddenly yanked hard to force my head up.

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