Force Equals Mass times Acceleration

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I have been on this mountain for one full year and in that time, my learning on certain subjects has progressed so much, that there are no longer anymore embarrassing questions from me or looks of disbelief from Shifu.  Actually, since I was introduced to the book on anatomy, I have taken it upon myself to learn as much as I can on sexual intercourse.  After all, I will be married one day, and part of being a good wife, is knowing how to please my husband, while also ensuring that Shifu is no longer put in a situation that just makes us both uncomfortable. 

So, while my brothers are spending their optional classes on the training grounds or in the halls of learning, I spent all my time in the library going over every book I could find on matters of canal pleasure.  There really isn't much in this library other than books on biology, but I did find some magazines hidden under the large cushions in the loft where my older seniors sometimes disappear to.  It is a small cubby hole built into the rafters, which has a window that keeps it well lit during the day, and several small candle holders in the wall for night time reading and with big soft cushions to sprawl out on, it is a comfortable place to relax.   It is also very private, in that one can see who is entering while remaining hidden should you not wish to be disturbed or in their case caught, and to ensure that doesn't happen, there are a multitude of war strategy books piled high on a low shelf which the magazines can easly hide inside,  just in case.

Because it is obvious that these magazines are not allowed, I am positive of it,  but it is from these books, that I finally get some real information.  There are illustrations, words that would make your hair curl and full and complete diagrams on several positions that I rekon would shatter every rib in your body, they are just too bizarre, but highly entertaining when one tries to contort their bodies into those positions which I have tried several and come close to dying of laugher, not to mention getting caught!

Initially when I first stumbled on these magazines, I was sickened by them.  Some of the pictures are just so gross, especially when I finally get an understanding of what pumping ones hand in front an open mouth actually means.  I mean, the thought is so disgusting, that the memory of those boys suggesting I do that to them, only upsets me all over again.  Though the memory of Shifu up and leaving this very library because I so shamelessly asked him to explain it, had me doubled over in fits of laughter, I can't believe he didn't outright punish me, it was so shameful.

But like everything elicit in this world, the more one will look at it, and I am no exception, because I just couldn't leave them alone.  My curiosity became like an addiction, that I needed to look at them daily in order to learn everything incase they were suddenly taken away, or I was caught.  So I actually found myself studying the crudely drawn pictures very closely.  And it is from these pictures that I have finally learned how sexual intercourse is performed, what all those hand and body gestures meant and several choice words that have been added to my fast growing vocabulary should I ever need to use them.

It is also from these magazines that I get an idea into how much those girls really hate me.  No one with an ounce of charity would call another woman those mean names unless they actually hated them, so I am very careful now with how I present myself around my brothers when we are in public together.  It's a shame that I have to watch what I say while avoiding physical contact in order to make myself 'not a whore' and it really saddens me that I can't even hold Shifus hand in public anymore either, least the world sees something in it.

In fact, regardless of the fact that the magazines are probably contraband, I have gained a lot of appreciation for Shifus patience.  I really am embarrassed that I even asked him about this and I can fully understand what his reactions mean now, because honestly, I feel like the biggest idiot in the world.  For several weeks I could barely look at him, I was so embarrassed, but Shifu is Shifu.  He just went straight back to being his normal Shifu self despite my red face, furtive looks and shyness around him, which thankfully didn't last too long, because Shifu is as constant as he dependable.  No matter what stupid thoughts make it into my ghost brain, I can guarantee that he will continue to be my stable and steady Shifu through it all, so eventually I calmed down and moved on from it.

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