A New Stage

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One whole week has passed me by in a flash, and I can hardly believe that I made it this far.  So much happened in that time that it is very difficult for me to focus on which parts were important enough to commit to memory and which parts are best forgotten.

But I think the most important parts is Shifus funeral because it was not what I expected it to be.  He died without a wife or children of his own, so technically, he had no heir and no real family to speak on his behalf other than Donghua Di Jun, my father, Zhe Yan and the Skylord who are his last remaining Disciple brothers and it is the four of them who lead his state funeral which lasted three days and nights.  And rather than the staid and pompus rituals I thought they would follow, it was rather laid back and at times hilarious when visitors from all over the world came to share their stories of Shifu and the kind of man I have only ever known to be and one of those stories I have definitely commited memory.

My brothers and I sat at the feet of his casket while father, Donghua, Di Jun and the Skylord took up the sides and being an open casket meant that his visitors could see him one last time.  The daytime was the most busiest and it was where I got to really see just how loved and revered he was by the rest of the world.  Leaders and laymen came in droves, and the queue reached all the way to the main gates at times, so I felt super lucky that I was able to sit with him the entire time.

Only now and then a visitor would arrive that would look at me as if I shouldn't even be there.  It isn't until much later that I learn several visitors in fact took offence at the way I killed that Demon Overlord.  In their minds I committed an act of public indecency and should be hung drawn and quartered and had my father not been there to deal with them, I may have actually found myself in serious trouble.  But as I said, I didn't find out about this until much later which is just as well, because Shifus funeral did not need anymore drama and least of all from me and nor do I commit that to memory, afterall, the majority are actually extolling my virtues.

And this is what Zhe Yan ever so subtley was getting at in regards to me being a graduate.  The world is seeing me as a heroine which I think is silly.  Im not against compliments, in fact I love them just as much as anyone else, but to consider me a heroine is so far from the truth that I refuse to give it any energy much less dwell on it any more than I have.

Though another note of interest is Sang Ji.  It seems that my sudden rise in status has increased his desire to make me his wife and though we are all grieving, he actually asked my father to reinstate the marriage contract.  I mean, how offensive can one get?  We are all mourning the loss of a great man yet all he can think about is himself and what my elevated status would mean for him.  He really is a conceited man and I made it very clear to father that I refuse to marry him.  Actually, I don't think father needed me to tell him that, because it was obvious he was just as astounded and being just like me, father made no bones about what he thought of the man, he made it very clear to him that there would no marriage between us.

The Demons on the other hand have been deemed a permanent enemy of the Celestial Heavens because of what Liwei did.  I even heard that there is a power struggle for the throne between him and his oldest sister and her husband, because he is not only too young to rule but some of his people disapprove of the way he cowardly took Shifus life when the final fight should have been between the two High Gods and should have ended in a righteous win so surprisingly there are actually noble men among them, unfortunately, Liwei is not one of them.

But his problems are not my concern, because whatever friendship we had, is no longer.  Like the Celestials, I have deemed him an enemy of Kunlun Mountain as well, and if so much as tries to make contact with me again, I will kill him.

Those are the events I have chosen to wipe from my mind, the rest was a whirl wind of activity and beautiful speaches from the world leaders and as I mentioned before, there were even funny stories that Shifu would have been absolutely embarrassed by had he been there.  And one of those stories I have definitely committed to memory.

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