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Morning rose quicker than i could've possibly counted on, exhaustion still lingering over me as I heard the sound of Luke calling us to wake up. I groaned as I pushed myself from the mattress, sitting up at a strange angle as I arose from my short and quite frankly, useless rest.

I rose from my bed and stretched out my arms and legs before grabbing my lightsaber and clipping it to the thin leather belt around my waist. I began to gather up my texts and scripts, focusing only on how I needed to focus on Skywalker's teachings.

I suddenly sensed something behind me, my body froze in fear as the sound of the curtain to my Hutt being pulled back filled my ears. Small bumps rose across my skin as familiarity danced across my mind and suppressed panic filled my now trembling fingers. My hands drifted toward the hilt of my saber as my heart pounded against my chest.

"Rey?" A voice called from behind me, I flinched in fear but quickly calmed myself down as I knew it was Vai. I let out a breath I was holding and glanced behind my shoulder to see my closest friend. Her light purple skin seemed to radiate in the morning sun, she smiled and began to dance with excitement.

"Come on! We're starting!" She cried happily, I just giggled and collected my texts before walking with Vai toward the temple, my heart slowing down from my anxious mind. "So, how was your night?" Vai asked sweetly, I just shrugged my shoulders and stared at the ground.

"Fine, why?" I asked slowly, she just shrugged her shoulders and flipped one her lekku over her shoulder. Vai was the only Twi-Lek within the temple, her bubbly personality and extreme generosity made her a vision of happiness within the new republic. She pushed out her lower lip and glanced over toward me, "you look a little on edge...are you sure everything is alright?" She asked soothingly, I just quickly nodded my head and gave her a small smile.

"Why wouldn't it be?" I asked, she laughed and nodded her head in agreement. We slowly walked toward the temple, I watched as other students emerged from their Hutts and began to greet each other. As I scanned over the other students, one young man caught my eye.

His dark, ebony hair and slim face with a carved facial structure, he wasn't repulsive to look at. His eyes met mine and I averted my own eyes quickly, finding the very contact of gaze too much for me. I was never great with personal connections, it's unfortunate to say Vai had to battle my own introverted self to become my friend, but I'm glad she did.

"What do you know about him?" I asked quietly toward Vai, making a tiny motion toward Ben. She glanced over and adjusted the waist of her robes as she smirked down at me.

"He's the son of Han Solo, the man who managed to do the kessel run in 14 parsecs" she said happily, I furrowed my brow and glanced toward her.

"I thought it was 12" I said questionably, she just shrugged her shoulders and we both smiled at our opposing examples.

Vai continued to explain the dark haired Jedi

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Vai continued to explain the dark haired Jedi. "He's also the son of Leia Organa, the rebel general. Also Master Skywalker's nephew. He's got quite the bloodline" she said softly, almost sounding a tinge jealous. But the envious tone in her voice quickly faded as she looked beyond Ben. "He's amazing, I guess you haven't seen him in training?" She guessed.

"I haven't" I replied, she just smirked and motioned toward my lightsaber. "Maybe you should spar with him, see what happens" she offered, I widened my eyes and shook my head.

"You know I wouldn't do that" I said softly, she nodded her head and together we entered the temple. The wooden fortress seemed to groan along with the wind that rushed off the sea, the smell of aging wood and old books filled my nose as soon as I stepped inside.

I laid my eyes on Luke as he was sitting with his legs crossed in the center of the meditation room. I furrowed my brow and watched as he smiled toward us all and motioned for us to sit around him. We all obliged and I sat next to Vai and a togrutan named Heruut.

"Good morning students, today is going to be a shorter lesson. We are going to focus on balance as we did yesterday. I would like everyone to recite the Jedi code" Master Skywalker instructed, I took a deep breath and along with everyone else in the room, we began to recite.

"There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force." We all spoke in unison, a look of pride grew across Master Skywalker's face as we finished.

"Well done, now everyone, close your eyes and think back to a time when you were at your lowest" Skywalker instructed, I closed my eyes and felt my mind dive to deepest part of my thoughts.

"Think now child, think of how helpless you are to the darkness" the voice croaked, I stifled a gasp as fear coursed through my body. He'd never came during the day, especially during a lesson. I furrowed my brow and tried to suppress the feeling inside, tears slightly rising to my eyes.

"Can you feel that emotion within you? It's despair...longing, sadness, it's toxic to a Jedi yet you will encounter such things" Skywalker said softly, but a feeling of loneliness and anger filled my mind as I felt invaded once more. I balled my fists and tried to fight this darkness within my mind but it seemed inconsequential.

"Now, think of the happiest moment in your life. Whether it was a moment with your family, or friends, think of that pureness inside" Luke instructed, but I couldn't.

My mind seemed like an endless path downward.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now