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I jumped backward and ignited the lightsaber in my hand, blue light spilled from the hilt as I caught her blade from striking me. I cried out softly as she began to wildly attack me, constantly trying to find a way to kill me.

I feebly fought with the subtle blades lightsaber as I felt undying fear fill my chest until finally I pinned her saber to the ground, locking it within mine.

I growled in anger as I felt her saber flip together and lock mine in place as I had done to Ben Solo on Takodana, I tried to pull away but she just slowly turned her head toward me.

"You want to become what Snoke has told you to become, not what you are" she hissed, I watched as she suddenly jumped toward me and bared razor sharp teeth, her eyes flashed yellow and her skin became aged in seconds.

I flinched back and stumbled away, staring at myself as I looked like a monster

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I flinched back and stumbled away, staring at myself as I looked like a monster. This wasn't what I wanted to become, I didn't want this.

"Stop this please!" I screamed in the darkness, my evil self began to stalk toward me as I fell to the ground in a frightened heap. I stared at her with wide eyes as she suddenly vanished into thin air, her saber dropping to the floor.

I heaved in scared breaths as tears welled in my eyes, how could that be what I become. I truly become a monster, I thought my grandfather was less than that.

"Snoke has twisted your mind to become malleable. He has lied to you, and yet you have listened without failure" the warm voice said, I turned around quickly and saw a man standing in brown robes, the same man from before.

"Please...tell me my place in all this" I begged, he chuckled warmly and I felt the bumps on my skin lower with a feeling that filled my soul. Intense familiarity, more than just a friend or acquaintance, it felt like family. I gasped softly and stared at him in complete shock.

"Who are you to me?" I asked, I furrowed my brow as he turned his back to me and chuckled once again.

"You will soon know, but make your mind stronger than your heart Rey" he said softly, I shuddered at the words and I was suddenly back in my chambers. I erupted from the bed and felt my heart pounding in my chest as sweat fell down my head.

"Rey?" A voice called, I whipped my head toward the voice and saw Ben sitting just before me. This connection pulled us together again, his eyes were wide with confused concern as he stared at me. My lower lip quivered as I looked around my room for some sort of answer. "Are you alright?" He asked cautiously.

"Get out of my head" I hissed, his eyes softened as my chest heaved with frightened, ragged breaths. I whipped my eyes to him and stared, did he see that monster? The night of the temple, did he see me as that monster in my vision or did he see me as a frightened young girl?

"What happened to you?" Ben asked softly, his words sounding inviting and soft. The words I wanted to say hung at the end of my tongue, I needed to ask him something but I didn't know how. I didn't know how to ask for help.

I sat upright in my bed and pulled the blanket from my body, furrowing my brow as I felt a cold wind blow across my body. I kept my eyes trained on the floor and breathed in a shaky breath.

"I need..." I began to say, trailing off as I but my lower lip, how did I do this? Ben just listened as I struggled to make words, tears brimmed my eyes as flashes of myself as that monster haunted me. Then a feeling of warmth filled me as I remembered holding that blue saber, how the icy light poured over me and seemed to extinguish the darkness around me.

I looked up to Ben with pleading eyes and he parted his lips in confusion, "Rey? What do you need?" He asked comfortingly, I took one last shaky breath and stared him directly in the eyes, ashamed of my next request.

"I need help" I said softly, Ben's eyes widened, as thought those three words were big enough to fill a room. "I've had a vision...and...I'm lost" I admitted, for once in my life I could feel the conflict within me. It was burning me from the inside out and I had to know what it was. I'd never felt like this before and Ben just listened as I struggled.

"Something inside me...isn't true and I must know what...I need your help, Ben..." I struggled to say.

Ben just stared at me and nodded his head, he reached his hand out to touch me but in a moment of disappointment, he pulled it back as he thought we couldn't touch. I stifled I'm a breath and remembered the last time we spoke like this, I felt his breath.

I cautiously raised my hand from my side, my hand trembled as I raised it toward him. He furrowed his brow and he glanced down to my hand. A single tear fell from my eye as he seemed as though he didn't want to have contact with me. But to my relief, he slowly raised his hand too, reaching it toward my hand.

Our hands were inching closer together, the warmth of his skin growing against mine. I stared into his eyes as I gently touched my fingers against his. Chills exploded across my body, a soft gasp escaped my lips as I felt him.

I felt him.

I could feel the emptiness from before fade away, this complete wholeness...this oneness I felt with Ben was intoxicating. I watched as he suddenly brought his other hand up, I furrowed my brow but didn't break eye contact as he reached his hand up and gently ran it through my hair, pulling a piece of it over my shoulder and smiling softly. Warmth exploded across my body as my hair lingered in front of my shoulder, falling down past my collar bone.

"Please...help me" I begged weakly, I trusted Ben, something inside told me to trust Ben. He smiled and nodded his head, "I'm on Fulovu, you can find me there" he said softly, I smiled gratefully and felt him remove his fingers from mine, a coldness filling the pads of my fingers.

"Will it be only you?" I asked desperately, Ben looked at me with blank eyes and paused before answering.

"Yes" he answered, relief filled my chest as I looked up at him and nodded my head. "Then Fulovu it is" I breathed out. He smiled once more and then disappeared, a new feeling filled my heart as I sat on my bed. Something inside me trusted Ben, more than I could ever fathom possible. I breathed out a smile and stood from my bed.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now