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Back on Snoke's command ship...

I stood in the hyperlift as I felt my heart pounding against my chest, I feared Snoke. I failed to obtain the droid and I also failed to kill Ben Solo.

I watched as the doors opened to reveal Snoke sitting on his crimson throne, I slowly walked from the hyperlift and felt my hands tremble beneath the sleeves of my robe. I walked over the bridge that led to a platform before his throne.

I kept my eyes down as I approached his throne, I could hear feel his anger deepening through his golden robes. I knelt before him and kept my eyes on the ground, my breaths growing shaky through my mask.

"You have failed me" he hissed, I kept my head down and just stayed silent while Snoke stared at me with a hellish rage. "I gave you the simple job of obtaining a droid and yet your personal interests clouded my mission" Snoke sneered as he stood from his throne and slowly walked toward me, drawing out his footsteps.

"You spoke of your allegiance to me, you speak of your allegiance to the first order yet when the time comes you put them all behind you!" Snoke yelled, I flinched as Snoke was standing right before me.

"Because of Ben Solo" he spit, I looked up at Snoke and saw the pure rage in his eyes. "I took you under my wing, I saved you from Skywalker's lies and yet...you spared his only nephew." Smoke spit, I lowered my head back to the ground in shame as Snoke walked back toward his throne.

Once he sat down, he ordered me to stand. I cautiously stood from the sleek floor and kept my eyes on the floor. "I saw potential in you, I saw the new empress of the Sith one you've become ready but now all I see is a mistake. Who couldn't even kill her master" Snoke spit.

"I've done everything you've said, every mission you've assigned I've completed without fail." I stated truthfully. Snoke just sat back and rubbed his jaw with his aged hand. He leaned his head back and looked down at me. "You found friendship within your youth, something you'd never had" he hissed.

"I killed my only friend, I murdered her because she stood in my way" I growled, Snoke just shook his head and looked down at me in dissatisfaction.

"And it split you to the bone, You are unbalanced! Bested by a boy whom you spared because you're weak" Snoke spit, rage filled me and I stood up quickly and stared at the supreme leader. He must've seen my quick motion as a threat because the next thing I knew, burning lightning was dancing across my skin.

I was thrown backwards and landed on my back, I tried sit up quickly but pain ate at my side. Smoke stared down at me in disappointment as I tried to stand, looking foolish as I did.

"You made the mistake of sparing him all those years again, just as you had your master and now you're nothing" Snoke spit, shuddered at his words as my body was suddenly lifted into the air.

"Because of your insolence, the resistance will now have the map to Skywalker. You will find Ben Solo and you will bring him to me" Snoke commanded, I choked down a cry as he inflicted pain across my body as I levitated. He then lowered me back toward the ground, my body thudding against the floor. "You will come here again at Dawn" he commanded.

Fury filled me as Snoke dismissed me from the throne room, I stormed from the room and quickly entered the hyperlift. I let the doors close before I balled my fists, and shouted in rage. The scream ripped my throat apart as I began to violently punch the steel wall, the small glass panels shattering beneath my rage.

The doors to the hyperlift opened and I was met face to face with two commanders. I burst past them and stormed toward my quarters, the sound of my heartbeat pounding in my ears. I entered my quarters and waited until the door was shut for me to finally breakdown. I threw the helmet from my hands and screamed in rage, throwing my lightsaber across the room and slammed my fist into the wall.

I tried to calm myself down as I saw the pointlessness of breaking down. Hot tears streamed down my face as the emotional and physical abuse I'd endured made my very mind cry. I attempted to put my mind at ease when I felt my body hum with a strange feeling as I sensed something behind me. I whipped my head around and stared in shock as my eyes met Ben Solo's.

I held my hand out toward him and stared him in the eye, attempting to control his mind. "You will bring the map of Skywalker to me" I commanded, Ben flinched at the sight of my hand but I felt no strain on this connection. He wasn't doing this.

I stared at Ben and realized my mask was no longer on, he could see the lines of where my tears fell. I pulled my hood over my head and shielded my face from his gaze.

"How are you doing this?" He asked curiously, I just kept my eyes down as I raised my hand to clutch my side. As a wave of subtle throbbing pain struck my side. "I'm not" I said plainly. I stared at Ben, all I could see was his body. "I can't see your surroundings-"

"You were going to kill me" He stated, interrupting me, but I ignored his question.

"Can you see mine? I only see you" I said calmly as he stared me down with anger. I smirked and saw that his own fists were balled, that made me smirk. But something inside was inside of him, something I could still see, hope.

"You still have hope?" I asked, I began to walk around my room, removing my cloak from my shoulders and letting the hood fall from my head. Ben just kept his eyes on me as I threw the cloak over the back of a chair. "How naive" I stated.

"I'm far from naive, I simply believe in certain things...and people" he said softly, his voice angry but calming down by the second. I just folded my hands behind my back and let my smirk fall.

"It is pointless to have hope for me, all I see before me is a foolish boy who still sees the girl from so long ago" I said sternly, his eyes narrowing toward me.

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