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"You're right, I still see that girl. I still see the girl who murdered all her classmates...I still see the girl who killed her only friend" he spit, I shuddered at his voice and froze in my place.

"Thank you..." Vai's voice filled my mind, tears dared to sting my eyes as I looked up toward Ben. He saw the look in my eyes and he froze too, the look of disgust fading from his face. "You haven't a clue what you're talking about" I breathed out quietly, he raised his brows and took a step toward me. His look of disgust changing to confused horror.

"I saw you...plunge your saber into her chest...you yelled in happiness-" he began to explain, I grasped the handle of a cup sitting on my table and chucked the glass cup across the room. The object shattered into a thousand pieces and twinkled as it crashed to my floor.

"I screamed in agony!" I admitted, Ben flinched and stared at me with wide eyes. I brought the top of my wrist up to my nose and turned my back to Ben. I didn't know how much longer this connection would last but I didn't suspect for much longer. "The explosion...burned her" I explained weakly, I'd never told anyone this before. Not even Snoke knew.

But a memory of the falls appeared in my mind, when I told him my past. How all he did was listen and didn't question a single word I said unless he was curious. "Why did you kill her?" Ben demanded to know.

I shot him a quick glance and saw a look of confusion across his face, I quickly averted my eyes and looked down at myself. I was a bloodied, burned and broken mess of a human.

"She begged me to kill her...so she wouldn't-" my voice gave out as I gripped the back of the chair and regained my breath. "So she wouldn't suffer anymore" I finished.

"I never knew" He said plainly, I whipped around on my heels and stared at him in the eyes. I gave him a look of growing ire as I took many steps toward him.

"Of course not, you only see me as the monster I am" I spit, Ben just stared at me with eyes that were unforgiving to my fact. "I care not, if you look at me with distain, Solo" I lied. "I only care to find Skywalker...and I know you've seen him" I spit.

"Why would you assume that?" He asked, I scoffed and backed away from him.

"How else would like have escaped the wreckage without you?" I asked, Ben just stared at me with confused eyes. "Why would Skywalker leave the only student he loved behind?" I mumbled, spitting the words.

"You have no clue do you?" Ben asked, I furrowed my brow and glanced at his smug face. He scoffed and looked at my confused expression, what did I not know?

"Luke looked at you like a daughter and because of your bloodline, he only looked at you with more love" he exclaimed, I felt my heart stop. How could he lie to me with such words.

"Liar" I spit.

"I'm not a liar!-" he yelled, I took a step toward him and raised my finger to his face.

"Luke Skywalker held a lightsaber over my body in the night! Ready to murder me in my sleep! Do you call that love?!" I yelled, Ben's face sunk as he heard the truth. "He betrayed me! Snoke has been in my mind ever since I joined that damn temple and Luke sensed my power and he feared it!" I screamed, I gasped softly and stumbled back. I shouldn't have told him that, I never meant to say that to anyone.

"I will find Skywalker, and I will kill him like I should've all those years ago" I vowed, I turned back to Ben and stared him in these with fire in my irises. "For your sake, I suggest you stay out of my way" I spit.

"You know I can't do that" he said softly, walking right up to me and causing me to try and back away. He cornered me without even touching me, pushing this connection farther then what I thought possible. "Tell me more of what Snoke has done to you, let me understand, Rey please. I can help you if you only-" he began to beg, I shuddered as I felt his breath on my face.

I could feel him.

"There is nothing I can tell you that will make you know what I have gone through" I breathed out, I almost felt like I should tell him. Something inside me was screaming at me to tell him, like a small voice I'd never heard before. A voice that didn't seem vile or malicious, it seemed...


"Rey, we will find Luke together-" he began to offer but I just balled my fists and looked down to the floor.

"Stand aside Ben, soon enough you will be the last true Skywalker" I spit, Ben just shook his head and stared deeply into my eyes, making my threats feel meaningless. I suddenly felt my mind grow distant and an awful, familiar feeling return.

That emptiness.

That emptiness that I didn't realize went away until it returned. That feeling of being completely alone was now gone, now a small part of that void was filled and it felt...incredible. I felt as though my lost soul had found a piece of its endless puzzle.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now