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"I'm here!" I yelled in reply. I looked upon Vai in horror as her body was covered in mutilating burns, her lovely face now contorted by blood and burning light purple flesh. Her eyes met mine and I felt hot tears fall from my own, she reached her hand up and touched the side of my face. The very movement caused her to scream in pain, her screams echoed in my mind worse than Snoke's voice. She slowly dropped her arm and stared at me with tearful eyes.

"A-Are you ok?" She asked weakly, I just stared at her with shock as she was worried about me. I gave her a quick nod and she pushed out a pained smile. "Good...good" she breathed out as she glanced down to her body and began to cry ever more.

"Rey, I need you to do something for me" she said weakly, the smell of her skin burning filled my nose and I felt tears stream down my face as I stared at my only friend...my dying friend.

"Anything" i said quickly, she stared up at the now clear night sky and I watched as tears rolled down her face. I glanced down her body and saw that one of her legs were gone...it was gone, burned and shriveled to merely a stump that reached up to her gnarled hip. I gasped at the sight as blood seeped from wounds across her body, the burns themselves looking excruciatingly painful.

This is my fault.

"I need you to kill me" she begged weakly, I choked on my breath at her request and began to shake my head.

"No, Vai...I can't do that, no!" I cried, but she looked at me with pleading eyes. She was in pain, horrific pain and she wanted to be relieved of it, whether it meant death or not.

"Please Rey, do this for me" she begged, "you know what you have to do" she said softly, placing her hand on my knee as I moved the lightsaber in my grasp in front of me. The only sounds that filled my ears was the sound of the temple groaning to stay standing but it couldn't for much longer. There were no more screams as I sensed nothing but death around me, other than Vai's pure spirit...which would soon also be silenced.

I ignited the weapon and felt my hands tremble as I raised it above her chest, blue light cascading across her mutilated body. She stared at me with thankful eyes and took a deep breath, "I love you like a sister, Rey...thank you" she breathed out, I squeezed my eyes shut and wrapped both my hands around the hilt of my lightsaber. "Thank you..." she breathed out once again as she closed her eyes in peace.

"I'm sorry" I breathed out, with one push of pure will, I drove the lightsaber through her heart. I opened my eyes and saw her lifeless face before me and I realized what I'd just done. Ashes fell around our bodies like snow.

I pulled the saber from her chest and sheathed the weapon, I stared at her body and dropped my lightsaber

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I pulled the saber from her chest and sheathed the weapon, I stared at her body and dropped my lightsaber. I could still feel the feeling of her hand on my cheek, she trusted me to take her life and yet I'm the reason she's gone. I screamed in agony and threw my lightsaber to the side, the scream ripped my throat apart as I felt even more emptiness fill my soul.

Snoke was all I had now.

I slowly stood from Vai's body and sensed life, I whipped my head in the direction and saw a figure emerge from the flames. I held my hand out to the side and felt my burdened weapon return to my hands as I slowly walked toward the figure. I felt my heart beat rapidly with rage this one had survived.

"Kill him, he must not know the truth of what had happened here!" Snoke commanded.

I approached the young man and saw it was Ben Solo, his face was in pure shock as he gazed at the destruction I'd caused. His eyes met mine and I felt more anger fill me, I ignited my weapon and charged at him, he feebly ignited his own and deflected my attack.

"What are you doing!?" He yelled, but blind raged fueled me as I continued to wildly attack him. My movements were faster, more wicked and violent as I tried to kill this man. "Rey!" He yelled, the sound of my name sounded empty and useless. He swiped at my arm and the blue light connected with my skin, I shouted in pain and stumbled backward, grasping my arm.

I glared at him as we paused our battle, I could feel rage in me, rage that masked my remorse and guilt of what I'd done. "Where's Luke?" Ben demanded to know, I stopped in my place and glanced back toward my destroyed hutt. Ben's eyes widened with horror as he realized I killed his uncle.

"You're a monster" he spit, I flinched at his words and felt a clump gather in my throat.

I'd killed one of his family.

"I-I..." I stuttered to say, I watched as his eyes didn't narrow but rather softened toward me. I furrowed my brow and knew he was tricking me, he couldn't be sympathetic toward me. I wouldn't let him feel sorry for me, I didn't deserve it.

"Why?" Ben asked desperately, I pressed my lips together and shouted in anger as I attacked him once more. We dueled for what felt like an eternity, but he didn't know how to fight against a double-sided lightsaber.

I swept the blade across his face and he leaned back to avoid the strike but I was quicker. I kicked his knees out from under him and watched as he tumbled to the ground below me. I held my hand out toward his hilt and felt his lightsaber fly to my hand, I reignited the weapon and crossed both of our sabers over his neck, trapping him.

He stared at me with terrified eyes, I should kill him.

"Do it" the voice commanded, I shuddered at the words and stared into Ben's eyes. I'd never seen such fear. I blinked my eyes slowly and felt the wave of realization hit me. I realized that I had trapped the son of Han Solo and Leia organa, and the grandson of Darth Vader beneath my blade and he was at my mercy.

I hated it.

I sheathed the weapons and stumbled back from Ben, his eyes confused but relieved as I felt anxiety wash over me. I threw his weapon to the side and glanced up at Ben...what have I become? He stared at me with wide eyes, my brokenness seeping through his soul.

I couldn't breathe, I choked violently on my breath. I felt hot sobs of pain escape my throat as I failed to stabilize my walk. I turned my back to him and desperately fled, running toward the ships hangar and beginning to escape my monstrous fit of rage, loneliness and betrayal...this monster I've become was too much to ever go back to the light.

I must go to Ilum.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now