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"How long have you been here? With Luke?" He asked, my prediction was correct.

I counted through the years and felt embarrassed by my minuscule number. "Three, that's when Luke saved me from a tradesman named Unkar Plutt" I explained, Ben furrowed his brow and shifted around so he could face me.

"What did he save you from?" He asked carefully, I looked up at him with soft eyes and thought of that horrid day. I'd only ever told Vai about what could've happened to me, but Ben did not seem spiteful.

"Hutt slavery" I said weakly, my voice nearly breaking. I looked up at Ben and he looked sick to his stomach.

"I'm sorry" he said softly, I just shrugged my shoulders and grabbed a pebble from the dirt around me and tossed it into the water. "Doesn't matter now, I'" I struggled to say.

You aren't safe, there is an evil voice in your kind, commanding you to do horrid things and yet you say you're safe.

"How touching, you've made another friend. Think of how he will look at you once you've embraced your true power, he will always be less than you" the voice spit.

I choked on my breath and balled my fists, quickly standing from the rock and stumbling through the forest. "Are you ok?" Ben called after me, but I didn't respond. I ventured deep into the woods, trying to find some kind of sanctuary.

"What you'd done to your friend was just a taste of what true power is" the voice chimed, I simply grasped the side of my head and weakly began to stumble back toward the temple, I had to tell master Skywalker of my troubles.

"If you tell your pathetic master of your power, he will strike you done just as he had his father. Darth Vader was one of the most powerful being in the galaxy and his own son betrayed him...what would he give up for a expendable student?" The voice said with persistence in his voice, I grabbed the trunk of a tree and smashed my fist into it bark. I winced in pain as I examined my now bloodied knuckles.

The voice was right, if I told Luke, he'd surely end me because of this feeling inside me I didn't understand. This piece of me that felt missing every single minute of my life. I grit my teeth and clutched my hand as I felt my face grow hot with acrimony.

"Test your power, let your anger fill you" the voice instructed, I furled my brow and heaved in ragged breaths as I focused on the tree before me. I raised my hand toward the trunk and felt the force wrap around it's now cracking bark. I growled in anger as I closed my hand and watched as the tree splintered down the middle, chunks of wood flying every which direction. I released my balled fist and watched as the top of the tree slowly fell toward the planets surface, a memory of my strength with anger in my blood.

"This is true power Rey, feel its course through you...Luke would've never taught you to do that, only I can teach you" the voice explained with extreme pride in his voice.

"Who are you?" I asked in the blankness around me, praying id receive a name.

"You will soon see dear child, you will know my name" the voice concluded before I felt the feeling of invasion blissfully disappear.

I quickly ran from the forest and toward my hutt, I crossed over the open files before the temple and kept my eyes trained on the small hutt that I could escape the world from.

I ripped back the curtain and threw my lightsaber to the side, I grasped my head between my hands and fell to the dirt floor below, wallowing in my own self conflict.

I felt a single tear fall from my eye as I held myself on the floor, knowing damn well no one one cared to know.

"You are alone in this galaxy Rey of Jakku. You are no one, there is an emptiness inside you that will never be filled as long as you stay trapped within the walls of this glass Jedi order" the voice croaked, his words sounding so cold but true to me. I was no one, I grew on Jakku with no parents, no name and barely a life to maintain.

I was alone.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now