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Ben's POV:

I watched as her eyes grew still, staring at the bright lights within the ship. The chilling feeling of her hand falling from my cheek filled my body as I choked on a breath. "Rey?" I asked breathlessly, this couldn't be possible. I watched her chest lower once more, I waited for it to rise again...but it never did.

"No..." I cried out, I held her face in my hands and felt her cold skin beneath my hands. Tears streamed from my eyes as she stared at the ceiling, her body no longer moving. "NO! PLEASE NO!" I screamed into the empty ship, The scream ripped apart my throat as I pulled her body toward mine in a desperate embrace.

"Please...please come back...please don't be gone, you can't be just can't be" I begged...she was just alive. She was full of life and ready to finally come home. She would finally be free of Snoke and years of torture she had to endure, the years of loneliness and emptiness she'd felt would finally be gone.

These moments where I'd finally felt whole, I'd finally felt like my existence was was ripped away from me. She was my other half, she was the part of my soul that I always thought I'd been missing.

"Come back" I begged, I closed my eyes and tried to calm down but I couldn't, the love of my life was gone.

Then it happened.

A flicker.

Just a mere flicker of life inside her.

The force hadn't taken her yet.

I choked in my breath and lifted her from the ground, placing her back on the medical bed. I desperately ran to the cockpit and forced the ship to fly as fast as it could. I felt my heart beating faster than it ever had before as I launched the ship out of lightspeed.

I directed the ship toward the surface of D'Qar, where the resistance base was located. I forced myself to breathe as i constantly looked over my shoulder to see if Rey was safe.

I entered the planets green atmosphere and saw the large resistance lifted down below. I flew the ship toward the landing pad and slammed my fist into the button that ejected landing gear. "Come on!" I yelled as the ship slammed against the stone landing of below.

I jumped from the cockpit and back to Rey, I picked up her body like you would a bride. Her limp body was breaking my heart as she laid still in my arms. "I've got you...everything's going to be fine" I said to her, knowing she could hear me through the force. I wasn't giving up on her yet, I never would give up on her.

I kicked the panel to open the ships ramp, watching as the dark ship slowly opened to reveal a bright and sunny day.

Yet it couldn't have been darker.

Rebels were lined at the bottom of the ship, I stumbled out of the ship and saw the horrified look on all their faces. It looked like a nightmare, Rey was nearly dead in my arms as I stumbled to call for help. But I found my voice.

"HELP ME! Please! She's dying!" I screamed, the rebels snapped out of their hypnotic state and jumped to action. Tears streamed from my eyes as I desperately held Rey's body, the bloodied scene was horrendous to look at. Her bloodied handprint was strewn across my face as I looked down at her. "Please!" I yelled once more.

I choked on my breath as I saw Poe running toward me, his eyes were wide as he approached me.

"Ben! What the hell is going on?!" Poe demanded you know. He looked at Rey's body in my hands and covered his mouth with his hand. "Oh god" he mumbled.

I stared at him with desperate eyes as he waved his hand, "I NEED A STRETCHER NOW!" Poe yelled, the pilot ran up to me and looked down at Rey. "What happened to her?" Poe demanded to know. I couldn't speak, I stumbled over my words as tears hindered my speech. "Ben! Tell me what happened!" Poe yelled.

"Hux....Hux shot her...we were almost free Poe, we were so close" I breathed out, Poe furrowed his brow and stared down at her. Then a medical stretcher was wheeled up to us, Poe guided me to place Rey on the fabric stretcher. As I set her body down, I could still feel the spark, she was still alive. I placed my hand on the side of her face and watched her body be ripped away from me.

My hands ran down her arm and brimmed her fingers as I tried to walk with them, but Poe held me back. I began to fight with the pilot, "Ben you can't go!" Poe yelled, "you can't!"

"I have to make sure she'll live!" I yelled, trying to push past the pilot but I wasn't winning.

"What is going on?" Finn asked as he approached us, Poe motioned for Finn to help to stop me as they both grabbed onto my arms and held me back.

"I have to be with her! I need her!" I screamed, tears streamed down my face as Finn grabbed my arm and yanked me back. Rey's body was wheeled into the medical bay, her beautiful face now gone from my vision. Once I realized it was hopeless, I began to sob, I fell to my knees and slammed my fist into the stone below. Pain jumped through my fist as Poe and Finn tried to comfort me.

"Ben?" A familiar voice asked, I looked up from my fit of rage and saw my mother standing there. She was horrified and confused, I stared at her...she could feel my pain.

She slowly walked toward me, she lowered herself to the stone ground and held out her hand toward me. "Come here" she said softly, I crawled toward my mom and laid my head down on her lap. Beginning to sob like a child, "I want her back! I can't let her die! She saved me! I want her back mom!" I cried desperately, my mother just placed her hand on my head and her other hand on my back. I'd never felt so alone yet so comforted in my whole life, my mother only wanted to help but didn't know how.

 I'd never felt so alone yet so comforted in my whole life, my mother only wanted to help but didn't know how

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