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Something washed over me, like a molten blanket. I narrowed my eyes toward Vai and every thought of this being only a spar disappeared. I felt my blood begin to boil as I knew Vai was winning this fight.

I shouted in anger and pushed my hand out in front of me, i felt the force wrap around my hand and fly toward Vai and I felt no remorse as it did so. The force collided with Vai's torso and I watched as Vai went soaring backward, landing a few feet away from me. She rolled a few times in the dirt and laid on her back, her hand clutching her side. I heaved in tagged breaths as I started to realize what I'd done.

I felt my body tense with horror at Vai, she tried to lift her head but it fell back to the dirt below as she hissed in pain, "well done girl, you are strong in your anger" the voice praised, I just stared at Vai with wide eyes and sheathed my lig...

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I felt my body tense with horror at Vai, she tried to lift her head but it fell back to the dirt below as she hissed in pain, "well done girl, you are strong in your anger" the voice praised, I just stared at Vai with wide eyes and sheathed my lightsaber, dropping it to the side and sprinting over to her.

I slid on my knees and gently slid my hand beneath the back of her head to support her. "Vai, I-I'm so sorry! I don't what that-" I began to frantically apologize but Vai just broke out into a soft laugh. I furrowed my brow as she punched my shoulder and smiled.

"I didn't know you had that in you" she said happily, laughing even more even though I was more than confused. "Ah, help me up" she instructed, I quickly pushed myself to my feet and offered her my hand. She grasped her hand around my wrist and I pulled her to her feet. Her left hand was grasping her right side, in the middle of her rib cage.

"Vai...I didn't mean to do that. I-I was just-" I began to say again, but Vai cut me off once more.

"Rey, there's no need to apologize, we were just sparring and you overpowered me, you should be happy" she exclaimed with joy, she patted my shoulder and motioned toward her hutt. "I'm going to rest, maybe you should ask master Skywalker if you can go to the falls" she offered, I nodded my head and gave her a smile in return.

She had no idea what was going on with me, she was simply too naive and lighthearted to believe I could be fighting darkness.

I watched Vai slowly walk to her hutt while I walked back toward the temple and braced my soul to face Luke again. I took a deep breath and pushed back the curtain, revealing Luke to be speaking with another student. Yen Tantow.

I choked on my breath as Luke stopped what he was saying and looked at me, "do you need anything, Rey?" He asked sweetly, I just bit my inner cheek and sucked in a breath.

"Forgive me for intruding master Skywalker, I was wondering if I could go to the falls?" I asked softly, he gave me a quick smile and nodded his head.

"Return before dinner if you can" he advised, I gave him a quick nod and quickly turned on my heels, almost racing from the temple and toward the waterfalls just through the vast number of trees. I snatched up my lightsaber from the ground and jogged off into the tall, beautiful trees of the planet.

I took slow breaths as I wandered through the dense forestation, the smells of nature even clearer than around the temple. I could hear the rushing water of the falls nearby, calm filled my heart as I walked through the small path Vai and had made from all our trips here.

As I approached the edge of the forest and stopped dead in my tracks as I saw the young man from before sitting on the edge of a rock, just before the waterfalls connected the river that led to the sea.

Why did I see him everywhere?

I slowly walked toward the water falls and noticed that his body was tense, he could sense me. "Kill him, he is strong with the force just as you are...he will become an enemy" the voice commanded, but I ignored it.

The young man turned around on his heels and stared at me with his dark eyes, I accidentally stared back and felt that same charged silence between us as I had before. "Forgive me, I didn't mean to disrupt you" I said weakly, ready to turn back toward the temple and meditate in the designated area. But something about this intrigued me.

"No need, sit if you want" he offered, I just breathed out a suppressed smile and slowly walked toward my other classmate. "Can I ask what you're here for?" He asked plainly, I just sat down on the rock next to him and shrugged my shoulders.

"Clear my mind...think of something else other than training" I admitted, I clipped my lightsaber to the back of my belt and relaxed my shoulders. "What about you? What have you come here for?" I asked in return.

He shrugged his shoulders and glanced over to the towering falls, where the water was glistening in the afternoon sun. "Same as you I guess" he said plainly, I just stared down at the violent river water and took a deep breath.

"Kill him..."

"Is it true...that you don't know who your parents are?" Ben asked suddenly, I whipped my head toward him and felt a clump grow in my throat. He must've noticed my distressed face because he quickly retracted the question. "I'm sorry, that was...rude" he said quietly, I just swallowed the clump in my throat and shook my head.

rude" he said quietly, I just swallowed the clump in my throat and shook my head

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"You're ok...yes it's true, they left me on Jakku when I was eight, I had nothing until one thing led to another and now I'm here" I explained easily, Ben just nodded his head and took another breath, I assumed it was to ask more questions.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now