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His eyes were wide as he stared back at me with the same intensity, except he looked at me with shock and horror while I glared at him in rage. He looked taller, stronger since I'd last seen him. His hair was long around his chiseled face that would be appealing to a normal woman. He wore simple rebel clothes, sand and brown clothes with hints of color that resembled his rank.

"Stand aside, before I kill you too" I spit, his eyes just stared at me in horror. He looked at me as if I was regretful of what I'd become, seeing him made me sick. I spared his life before because I was naive of death, now he was in my way and I regret not driving my saber through his heart.

"You won't hurt me" he said softly, I just balled my fists and cocked my head to the side. What made him think I wouldn't? I glanced down at his hip and gasped silently as I saw the hilt of a lightsaber clipped next to his holster. My eyes darted back up to his and I could see how badly he didn't want to fight, but I didn't care.

"Supreme Leader Snoke requires me to find Luke Skywalker...Where is the map?" I spit, Ben's eyes narrowed as I began to stalk around him just as I had the traitor. My grip on my lightsaber growing painfully tight as I felt my knuckles turn white underneath the pressure.

"Why do you want the map?" Ben asked I reply but I gave him no response, letting the question hang in the air. I took ragged breaths through the mask as I stared at my old classmate.

"Do you remember what happened the last time we dueled?" I questioned, his posture grew tense as he thought back to that fateful night. "I had you at my mercy" I spit, I stood taller and raised my saber, igniting the deadly weapon. Letting the two pieces fold into a double-bladed lightsaber.

Ben's eyes widened even more as he saw my face enveloped in crimson light, I continued to stalk even slower, I could sense the anxiety in Ben's heart

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Ben's eyes widened even more as he saw my face enveloped in crimson light, I continued to stalk even slower, I could sense the anxiety in Ben's heart. He was still trying to see the young girl from the temple, but she was gone.

"You could've killed me, why didn't you?" He asked, I took a step toward him as I let the question hang for a moment.

"I won't make that same mistake again" I spit as I lunged toward him, he ignited his own lightsaber and blue light spilled from the hilt. I began to violently slash my weapon through the air, annihilating trees with every strike I sent. Ben only blocked my attempts, never trying to strike back.

Anger from his insolence grew in me as I continued to try and fight Ben, I didn't want to kill him, my grandfather commanded me to eliminate Ben Solo, so that is what I will do.

I swung my leg below him and swept his legs out from under him, he toppled to the ground and caught my blade in a lock up just before it connected with his throat. I raised my wrist com to my lips and smirked beneath my mask.

"The droid is headed south, send a search squad" I commanded, hearing my men report back in agreement as Ben stared at me with wide eyes

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"The droid is headed south, send a search squad" I commanded, hearing my men report back in agreement as Ben stared at me with wide eyes. "Tell me where Skywalker is" I spit, Ben's eyes suddenly hardened as he shoved his hand out and pushed me back with the force, I easily stabilized myself and smirked. He pushed himself to his feet and charged at me, his swings were sloppy and his attempts were also forced and not natural, it had been a while since he'd used a saber, let alone dueled anyone.

His strike were easy to counter, barely putting any thought into them as I fought with ease. Ben's jaw was clenched as I'd finally had enough, I swiped the saber across the air and he surprisingly deflected the attack and caused me to stumble back. He thrusted his hand back and I was shoved backward, my back slammed against a large tree.

I growled in anger as he swung his saber toward me, I looked up his blade and folded my double blade back up, trapping his blade within mine. I glared at him through the mask as our sabers screeched with effort to try and separate themselves.

Ben looked through the eye slit in the mask and I felt lightheaded, he obviously felt the same just by the reaction on his. There was something...linking in my mind with Solo and I hated it. My eyes slowly lowered toward our linked sabers and rage began to fill me.

"Rey! Stop this!" Ben yelled, my head whipped back up to his and I was infuriated. I growled in anger and pushed his saber away from me, I threw my foot out and it connected with his chest. He stumbled back and heaved in breaths as he tried to regain his breath.

I thrusted my hand out and caused Ben to freeze in place, forcing his saber out of his hand and lowering my hand as I knew he was trapped. His face was full of fear as he knew my power was beyond his. I slowly stalked toward him as he tried to fight my hold on him, he was strong but not strong enough.

"So you're the young man that I've heard so much about" I said calmly, his neck was flexed as I stared him down. I knew he was afraid of me but I sensed something else...pity.

"Rey-" he began to say but I raised my saber right next to his cheek, my hand trembling with rage.

"Do not say that name!" I screamed, hearing my name was poison to my ears and I didn't want to hear anyone say it ever again. Ben's eyes softened as they switched from my blade to my eyes, seemingly piercing through my mask.

"I know you've suffered" Ben said softly, barely audible over the roar of my saber. I moved the blade closer to his cheek and felt lucky my mask was concealing my eyes that were filling with tears.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now