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Rey's POV:

I saw nothing but white around me, never isn't brightness that was warming and welcoming. My heart seemed to swell as I wandered around the vastness.

"Hello?" I called, I furrowed my brow and gazed at my surrounding, I looked down at my hands and gasped as I saw small, intricate swirls dancing across my skin. I watched as they moved across my body and seemingly decorated my skin.

"Hello there" a warm voice said happily, I turned around and saw my grandfather standing there. I smiled and walked toward him, his face was content with what he saw. I'd never seen anyone look at me with such fatherly pride before.

"My dear, the choice you've made was a difficult one indeed" Obi wan said softly, a wave of realization hit me. I was the struck with a feeling of immense pain.

I'd left ben alone, why would I ever do that to him?

Did I make the wrong choice?

Visible pain spread across my face as I stumbled toward my grandfather. "Is he safe?" I asked breathlessly, he nodded his head and reached his hand out to the side of my face. His warm skin seemingly sending glorious life through my body. He chuckled softly and placed his hand behind my back, "walk with me" he instructed.

I followed alongside him as we both began to walk through the bright nothingness. "The force is a tricky thing, it connects all life together in a harmonic balance...what you and Ben Solo did not realize is that you are connected within the force." He explained, I furrowed my brow and raised my hand to my heart, pressing my palm against my chest. I gasped softly as it began to beat faster.

"You two are a dyad in the force" he stated, I furrowed my brow and stared at him. "A what?" I asked.

He smiled, "a dyad, two that are one...your souls are bound together by an ancient power that hasn't been seen for centuries. That is why when you to found each other in complete light and felt whole" he explained. I choked on my breath as it all seemed too real.

"How?" I asked, Obi wan smiled and motioned toward the emptiness around us.

"Your bloodlines are of power within the force, because he is the grandson of Anakin and you are my grandchild...together your powers were matched. As he grew stronger, so did you and vice versa" he explained, "a Skywalker and a Kenobi...quite a pair I shall say" he joked softly. It was all so much to take in.

"So because of my past...Ben and I are linked to each other?" I asked, Obi nodded and motioned toward my body. "That is why he restored you so quickly and the same goes for you, you two share a life force that is shareable" he said proudly. I furrowed my brow and glanced into the light.

I gasped softly as many people began to appear from the light, many people in jedi robes. "What's all this?" I asked. Obi smiled and motioned toward the many men and women. "These are my friends, they are also Jedi within the force" he explained. I admired all of their different races and appearances as they all smiled.

A man with red skin and a brown breathing apparatus stepped forward, "my name is master Plo Koon, it is a pleasure to meet you" he said formally, his voice deep and modified. I smiled and watched as a Togrutan woman stepped forward. "And I am Shaak Ti, it is also my pleasure to meet you"

"And I you?" I replied hesitantly, I glanced at Obi wan and saw a look of pride across his face. I watched as a young man with curly brown hair and a dashing smirk walked toward me. "My name is Anakin, it's an honor to meet you"

"Anakin...Skywalker?" I asked breathlessly, he nodded his head and turned toward Obi wan for a just a moment. Smiling and patting him on the shoulder.

"I see the same eyes within you dear girl, the same hopeful and longing eyes as your grandfather" a woman with blonde hair said softly.

"I see the same eyes within you dear girl, the same hopeful and longing eyes as your grandfather" a woman with blonde hair said softly

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Obi wan smiled and held out his hand toward the woman, she happily took his hand and stood next to him. The two looked beautiful together, each beautiful in their own ways.

"Oh! I almost forgot. My name is Satine Kryze of Mandalore" she said proudly, I furrowed my brow as she walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder, "but you can call me grandma" she said happily.

I choked on my breath and jumped toward her, wrapping my arms around her. She hastily pulled Obi wan into the hug and I began to weep out of pure joy. I'd finally found family, true family.

Then my body began to hum with a strange feeling, I backed away from my grandparents and watched Satine's eyes grow wide. "Obi wan? What's happening?" She asked quickly. I watched as Obi wan smiled warmly and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"My dear, I'm glad to say that life is not done with you yet" he said softly, I gasped and realized what that meant.

I'll see Ben again.

I stared up at all the Jedi around me and felt overwhelmed with emotion, "I hope I haven't done too much wrong in this universe" I said softly, a woman with dark skin walked toward me, lighter tendrils protruding from her head.

"On behalf of all the Jedi, we forgive you Rey Kenobi. For you have redeemed yourself in the name of all things good" she explained, she bowed softly and backed away. My body began to hum even stronger now, as my vision on the other Jedi began to fade.

"I'm redeemed?" I asked, Obi nodded his head and crossed his arms in front of him. "Go home my dear, someone I know is waiting for you" he said with a smile. I choked on my breath as they all faded from my view, I closed my eyes and felt a wave of warmth wash over.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now