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Velle Ren's mask ^
"We are having the command ship arrive over Takoadana, you simply have your personal ship fly down to the surface once the troops have invaded" Hux informed me as we walked down the halls, preparing to enter the massive hangar.

"Keep the knights of Ren in their collective ships, I want to have them ready to attack in case the droid has any ideas of escaping" I commanded, Hux walked right in front of me and blocked my path.

"You do not command me, you-AH!" He cried out as I waved my hand and sent him flying into the walls of the ship. I knelt down in front of him and stared at him through the slits of my mask. "You will find this droid, you capture and then I will rip it apart to find that map. Do you understand me?" I asked, Hux quickly nodded his head and continued on path toward the hangar until I entered the bright, towering ship carrier and all the troopers saluted toward me.

"Do not fail me, or there will be consequences" Snoke's voice threatened in my mind, I stumbled on my step as sincere promise within his words echoed in my mind.

I climbed into my ship and grabbed the controls as transport ships began to launch from the now bright atmosphere. The sunny Takodana day now about to be ruined by my destruction that seemed to follow.

I lifted the ship from the ground and flew it out of the hangar and down toward the surface of the jungle planet. Anxiety filled my mind as I entered the planets atmosphere and saw castle resting in the center of the jungle now in fiery chunks of rubble. I dove my ship toward the surface and quickly landed it behind the transports, hearing the hiss of my ship as I crawled from the tie-fighter.

I emerged into the battle and immediately felt my body hum with a strange feeling, I furrowed my brow and began to walk calmly through the waging war of the first order versus drunken scavengers and smugglers.

Bodies of troopers and smugglers lie around the wreckage like stars in the sky. I paid them attention as I stalked around the destroyed castle, searching for a bb unit that had what I wanted.

This feeling inside me that I always felt...seemed to waver, this endless disparity and loneliness seemed to become filled with something as I was in the planets atmosphere. I had to know what this was.

"Ma'am! The droid was spotted fleeing to the woods with two young men!" A trooper informed me, I turned my head toward the forest and felt my blood boil as I began to track down these two rebels and the droid

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"Ma'am! The droid was spotted fleeing to the woods with two young men!" A trooper informed me, I turned my head toward the forest and felt my blood boil as I began to track down these two rebels and the droid.

"Only come when I call" I spit as I began to march toward the tree line, feeling my heart pound in my ears as the humming became more than apparent to me.

I ventured through the forest, sensing for any sort of life form within the trees, they couldn't have gotten far. I unclipped the lightsaber from my hip and silently stalked through the woods, when I finally heard a twig snap and people talking.

"Get as far away from here as you can, I'll hold them off" a man said sternly, I heard the beeping in approval from a droid and instinct took over. I clenched my jaw and balled my fists as I began to walk toward the voice, hearing footsteps run back toward me.

Suddenly I was met face to face with a dark skinned man in a brown, leather jacket. I stared him down and ignited my lightsaber, the shrieking of the saber echoed through the dormant woods as the man stared at me.

"Traitor" I spit quietly, he was frozen with fear as he stood me down. I simply began to stalk in a circle, him doing the same to keep a distance from me. "What made you betray the first order? Was it for credits? Or for freedom?" I asked with a poisonous tone.

"What would you know about running away?" He spit, I froze in my place and felt my lip twitch with fury. I sheathed my weapon and clipped it to the inside of my cloak.

If only he knew.
Velle Ren has a traumatic vision of seeing Luke stand above her, his lightsaber ignited and ready to strike but a horrid look expressed on his face.

Ren knows exactly what it's like to run away, it's all she's ever done.

I stared at him through the mask and held my hand out, the force wrapped around his shaking throat and I pulled him toward me. "Where is the droid?" I demanded to know, FN-2187 simply kept his lips closed as he thrashed around in my force hold, but I knew he couldn't escape. "I'll find that droid with it without you...I don't want to kill you but I will" I spit, his eyes widened but his gaze was unfailing.

"You'll kill me no matter what" he croaked out, I smirked beneath the mask and brought his fearful face close to mine, tightening the hold on his throat.

"You're so right" I hissed.

"STOP!" A voice yelled, suddenly the humming feeling overwhelmed me as I looked directly at where the voice came from. I choked on my breath as I thrusted my hand forward and sent the traitor soaring into a tree, slamming his head against the bark and knocking him unconscious.

I turned my head back toward the culprit of the voice and felt my mind feel...strange, as I stared at him, a wave of emotions I haven't felt in years flooded me. But I buried them beneath my rage.

"Ben Solo" I spit.

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