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We landed on rolling hills within the outskirts of Naboo, where a beautiful and elegant building lie protruding from the hillside. The warm stone and marbled columns of the buildings resembled a small palpable overlooking a small lake. I smiled and noticed all the green along the lakeside and the lush grass.

"It's beautiful" I breathed out, Ben smiled and directed the ship to land just outside the buildings walls. I smiled and ran toward the rear of the ship as the back lowered toward the beautiful world outside.

The glistening lake beneath the towering mountains was only a sight made for gods. I exited the ship and felt a wave of homeliness emanate from the worlds core. I walked toward the shining water and glanced back at Ben who was smiling toward me, "ladies first" he teased, I smiled and removed the boots from my feet. Placing on the lakeside as I slowly walked toward the bright waters.

The feeling was warm yet invigorating, I had no reason to not go in further other then my lack of swimming ability. I waited until Ben had entered the water for me to go further.

He jumped into the water and swam out further than I ever thought I could go. I could feel missy rocks beneath my toes as I strode through the beautiful waters, the depth never growing alarming. I smiled and dunked my head beneath the water, only hearing the sounds of nature beneath the surface.

I arose from the water and saw Ben walking toward me, his chest exposed yet masked in a sheen on water as he slowly grew closer.

I arose from the water and saw Ben walking toward me, his chest exposed yet masked in a sheen on water as he slowly grew closer

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I slowly walked toward him and felt my heart grow warm with love for him as I reached his taller figure. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pressed my soaking hair against his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"It beats for you" he said softly, I giggled and smiled toward him. I gently flipped my hair over my shoulder and stared into his dark eyes, "and mine for you" I replied. He smiled and slowly dipped his head toward my chest, pressing his ear against my diaphragm and breathing out a laugh as he listened to my heartbeat.

"I love you" I said sincerely, he rose from my chest and made eye contact with me as I smiled warmly. It may have just been three words but I meant them more than any words I said before. "I love you Ben Solo" I said again.

He smiled and seemed astonished, I loved him more than there were stars in the sky. More planets in the universe, more beats then my heart could radiate. "I love you too" he said softly, I leaned back in the water and felt the glorious weight of his words fall into my heart as I stared at the pink skies above.

"I never thought I'd find love, I thought I'd fulfill my prophecy to become empress and live alone...but no, I had you" I admitted, he smiled and scooped me up from the water.

He stared down at me and I couldn't help but feel like a little girl living a dream. As though Ben was a prince and I was a simple farm girl who somehow found love with him. Except my dream was real.

"Be mine Rey" he asked softly, I furrowed my brow and giggled softly. He took a deep breath and I could see no humor in his eyes, he meant what he was saying. I focused in on his next words until he was ready to speak again. "I never want to be anywhere but with you, I mean that" he said sincerely. I choked on my breath and stared at him with wide eyes.

"What are you asking?" I questioned, eager for his question or request for me. I'd do whatever I could for Ben if it meant his happiness, he deserved it more than me. He took a deep breath and placed his hand on the side of my face.

"Marry me" he said softly, I choked on my breath and smiled widely. This couldn't be real, how could this be real? He stared at me with frantic eyes until I realized I hadn't responded to him yet.

I nodded my head, "yes...yes...yes, yes, yes!" I stumbled out. He smiled and tossed me into the air in joy. I laughed boisterously and wrapped my arms around his neck and tight embrace. Was I getting married? I was getting my soulmate...yesssss.

"Thank you" I breathed out, he smiled and pulled me away from the embrace before engaging me in another kiss, one I'll never forget for as long as I live because out of all my moments with him. This was my favorite. We'd just promised each others lives to one another, wed just pledged out faith, love, happiness and hopes to each other because that's what love is.

I smiled behind the kiss, knowing now...that this would never end.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now