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WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" A voice pierced through the stale air. I froze in fear as I knew it was Hux. I placed my hand on Ben's back and leaned toward his ear, "go, go now" I instructed while whispering. I expected Ben to hurry off but he shook his head, "no, I'm not leaving you" he said softly. Pain filled my chest as we were again, dangerously deep in hot water.

I turned toward Hux and saw his horrified face, he was staring at Snoke's body. I glanced back and watched as the top half of the supreme leaders body fell from the throne and thunked against the floor. I slowly turned back forward and glanced up toward Ben.

He was trying not to laugh.

I softly elbowed him and but my lower lip to stop myself from laughing too. I reached my hand behind my back and opened my palm, discreetly trying to call my saber back to my hand.

"Traitor!" Hux yelled, I smirked and felt the lightsaber fly to my hand. The cool metal against my skin felt like a connection now. "You will pay for your treason!" Hux screamed. He turned on his heels and was about to reenter the hyperlift.

I whipped my hand out toward Hux and grabbed his body with the force, Ben backed away from me, knowing what I was about to do.

Hux flew toward Ben and I, his cries for help sounding pitiful in my ears. I slammed him to the ground right in front of me and watched him writhe in agony. I ignited my lightsaber and pointed it toward Hux's face, staring at the helpless enemy.

Never kill an unarmed opponent.

The Jedi rules flashed in my mind, the red light spilled across Hux's black uniform and begged me to strike him down. I felt my hand trembling around the hilt...but I couldn't do it.

I lowered the blade from Hux's face and glared down at him, "you're not worth it" I spit, I clipped the lightsaber to my hip and turned my back to him. "Come on Ren, kill me! I know you've got the spine for it!" Hux begged, this was extremely unorthodox of him. I shook my head and heard him screaming for me to kill him. I continued to walk alongside with Ben toward the hangar, all I had to do was reach the hangar and escape.

"Why not ren! Has love made you soft!? Have your emotions made you weak?!" Hux demanded to know, I stopped dead in my tracks and glanced up toward Ben. His eyes were frustrated along with me, he could sense my anger growing but I wouldn't let Hux win.

I slowly turned toward him, locking eyes with the pathetic man. "My emotions make me strong, all I've done my whole life is hate, and hate and hate. I've been shown a better path than hatred...Love, And I am sorry you will never feel what it's like to truly love someone hux, I am extremely sorry" I said sincerely, Hux's face fell into a extreme frown as I slowly walked toward him.

"Snoke has taught the first order that we deserve to rule the galaxy...but it was never about deserve. I realize now that liberty, democracy and freedom is the only way to truly live" I said happily, glancing back at Ben. His face was beaming with pride as I averted my gaze back to Hux. I knelt down before Hux and watched his eyes were widen with shock as he had always known me as the ruthless girl underneath a mask, now I was showing his compassion.

"Come with us" I offered, Hux's eyes widened exponentially as I made the offer. "Can't you see the first order is doomed to fail?" I asked, Hux stared at me, I sympathized for the General, he was trapped just as I had been. Hux shook his head and felt my heart sink a little, "I guess I'll see you on the other side of the battle field General" I breathed out, I stood from my kneeling position and glanced over my shoulder at Ben. A large smile was on his face.

"Long live the supreme leader!" Hux yelled, I furrowed my brow and whipped my head back toward him. He had pulled out a blaster and was aiming it at my body. I gasped as watched as a red blast fired from his gun and penetrated through my torso.

"NO!" Ben screamed in anger, Ben ran past me and grabbed the lightsaber on my hip. He ignited the blade and drove the red light into Hux's chest. The life faded from Hux's eyes as Ben heaved in ragged breaths. My eyes were only fixated on Hux's corpse for a moment but then I looked at Ben.

"B...Ben" I breathed out, my eyes fluttered to stay awake and a searing pain spread across my body, emanating from the hole in my torso. Ben turned around and ran toward me, he scooped up my body and began to run toward the hangar.

My breaths were short and pained as I felt my eyes stinging with tears. "I've got you, you're going to be safe ok? I've got you" Ben said comfortingly as he entered the hangar and ran toward the closest ship. I could feel his worry flowing through him. He entered Snoke's transport ship and Ben frantically laid me down on the small medic station in the ship.

I cried out in pain as I sprawled out across the stiff medical bed, Ben quickly ran to the cockpit and I felt the ship begin to lift from the small hangar. The hum of the ship rumbled beneath my back as my eyes grew heavy. I grasped my torso and felt warm, thick liquid coat the bottom of my hand. I lifted my hand and saw nothing but crimson blood on my hand.

Panic filled me and I began to hyperventilate, I grasped my side and felt tears sting my eyes. I didn't want to die, not like this...not when I was so close to being with Ben.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now