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I was afraid of getting close to him, I feared he would gain my heart only to have him hand it back on a rotting plate. I choked on my breath and broke our intense gaze, feeling as though I'd done something wrong.

I reached my hand out toward the falls and felt the cold water dance across my skin, I hadn't felt natural water in so long. I giggled softly and leaned forward on the rock, letting the icy water fall into my hand and slip through my fingers.

"I haven't felt water in so long" I breathed out, Ben stared at me with narrowed eyes with a confused look on his face. "I almost forgot what it felt like" I admitted. Ben just smiled and reached his own hand out, he gently wrapped his hand around my wrist and I shuddered in fear. He gave me a second to calm down before he slowly pulled my hand from the water and I felt the beads of water fall down my wrist and send chills up my back.

The feeling of his hand on my skin made me wary, I didn't deserve his compassion, I didn't deserve him. He smiled softly and motioned toward the water, "how long has it been since you've gone into a waterfall?" He asked happily, I furrowed my brow and looked at the beautiful falls.

"I have never" I confessed, I stared at the falls as he gently let go of my wrist. A cold feeling was left as his hand drifted away, I watched as he pulled the white cloak from his shoulders and revealed a black undershirt, along with blue trousers and brown boots. I furrowed my brow as he pulled the boots from his feet and placed them next to his cloak.

He glanced down toward me and smirked, he held out his hand for me to follow him. A wave of awkwardness washed over me as I found this entire situation quite strange. He chuckled and leapt through the falls, his body disappearing through the thick curtain of water. I jumped to my feet and tried to see through the water but it was nearly impossible.

It's a trap.

"The waters feels amazing!" Ben yelled through the falls, I tinge of excitement filled me as I'd never done anything like this before.

I took a deep breath and reached my hand up to my cloak, pulling the red fabric from my body and letting it fall to the rocks at my feet. I kicked the boots from my feet and grasped the hilt of my lightsaber. I pulled it from my hip and stared at the dark hilt, knowing that this was a weapon that has made so many mistakes. I dropped the saber on the ground and pulled the leather belt from my waist, along with the leather cuff around my wrist. I glanced down at my body in white and it seemed so strange in many ways.

My hair danced around my back as I lingered at the edge of the rocks, I took one more deep breath and closed my lips as I let my body take control as I jumped from the rock and felt the icy water rush over my body for a split second.

I suddenly felt my body become submerged under water, panic filled me as I remembered I wasn't the best swimmer in the whole galaxy. My foolishly flailed my arms around above the water, barely getting any air in as my feet searched for solid ground but found none. A small cry of fear escaped my lips as I felt helpless.

I felt two hands wrap around my waist and pull me above the water, I gasped for air and felt overwhelmed by Ben's hands on my waist. My hands clamped onto his shoulders and I began to cough violently, trying to get as much air into my lungs. I opened my eyes and saw Ben staring back at me with pure concern, I choked on my breath and stared back at him.

"I apologize-" I began to say but he just chuckled and continued to stare at me. I reached my hands up and wiped my eyes.

My hands lingered on his shoulders as I could feel the muscle beneath them

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My hands lingered on his shoulders as I could feel the muscle beneath them. My breath stifled as Ben lowered me slightly, making me eye level to him. Our faces were so close together, so close I could feel his breath and almost touch his nose with my own nose. He was tall enough to touch the bottom of the small pool, while I was not. The only thing above the water for him was his shoulders, if I tried to stand, I'd go under without question.

"Are you alright?" He asked, I just nodded my head and took another deep breath. I felt one of his hands leave my side and felt my body begin to go under again. Panic filled me and I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist for support, freezing in shock at what I'd just done. We were both just as shocked at my actions that we stared at each other in silence, my heart pounded wildly against my chest as I was so close to him.

I broke the eyes contact and went to unwrap my legs, I lowered my left leg from his side but felt his hand slide under my knee and guide it back toward where it was before. I stifled in a breath as he pulled my legs back around his body, how was he so confident? My eyes searched his eyes for a reason behind all this, he had to be planning something, he had to leading me to a trap.

"Why don't you trust me?" Ben asked, he reached his hand up and toyed with a piece of my hair. I shuddered at the feeling and contemplated his question.

"Because I don't trust myself" I confessed, he stared at me with understanding and smiled softly. "Why not?" He asked. My eyes focused on his chest, watching it rise and fall beneath the wading water.

"What I've blindly followed Snoke to command me to do...I'm a monster in everyone's eyes" I said truthfully, Ben gently placed his hand beneath my chin and lifted my eyes back to his.

"You've never been a monster to me" he breathed out, I stifled on my breath and glanced down at his lips. Want filled my mind, I wanted Ben Solo for every reason. Especially because it's the one thing in my life I'm not supposed to do.

"I shouldn't be doing this" I breathed out truthfully, Ben smirked and nodded his head. "Yes, you should" he replied.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now