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I reached around the torture chair and disabled the restraints on his body, his arms and legs were released from the chair but he was too weak to move. I gently pulled him from the torture chair and lowered us both to the ground. He groaned in pain as I pulled him from the chair, I cursed at myself for allowing this to happen to him.

Small cuts were ripped across his face, he still had mud and blood smeared across his face from our battle on Fulovu. I propped his back against my legs as I pushed his hair away from his face, seeing the damage. I could hear his teeth chattering as the room was illogically freezing.

I ripped the cloak from my back and laid it across his shivering body, I cradled his beaten body within my arms and felt tears sting my eyes as I cupped his cheek with my hand. I placed both my hands on either side of his face and tried to wipe the mud from his cheeks and forehead.

"I'm so sorry...I never meant for this to happen" I cried desperately, Ben weakly raised his hand toward me, gently running his fingers through my hair. A small smile grew across my face as I held him.

"I never meant to betray you..." he breathed out weakly, I nodded my head in understanding and held him close as he stared up at me. "I know...I was just...stupid and angry-" I tried to explain but Ben just smiled and placed his hand over mine on the side of his face.

"Rey, Its ok, I forgive you" he breathed out, a tear escaped my eye as I felt my heart swell with gratefulness. I don't deserve him, I never deserved him. I reached up a piece of fabric from my cloak and wiped the dirt from his face, seeing his pale skin peer through the nasty mud.

"We should've just stayed at the waterfall" I breathed out truthfully, Ben nodded in agreement and smiled warmly. "Yes, we should've" he agreed, "we can go back...we can escape this place and go back to the falls" Ben began to explain happily the promise in his voice was so refreshing but I knew it wasn't true.

"We can live in the hut alone, just the two of us...we'll never have to be apart of any of this again...don't you want that?" He asked, a small cry escaped my lips as that was all I ever wanted.

"I do...but I can't escape Snoke, not entirely" I cried, Ben shook his head and held my face in his bruised hands, somehow in his broken place he still worried for me. He held my face in his hands and stared at me with open and vulnerable eyes. I averted my eyes from him as I couldn't bear to look at him.

"Rey, look at me...nothing is impossible if we're together" he breathed out, a small, naive smile grew across my face. I tried to listen to his hopeful words but they were hard to hear over the screaming voice in the back of my head.

Snoke will kill you! You can't escape!

"I know what you have to do" he said plainly, I stared at him with wide eyes as a sad look grew across his face. "What do you mean?" I asked, he chuckled softly and looked at me with a painful smirk.

"Snoke wants you to kill me" he said softly, I choked on my breath and stared at him wide scared eyes, I didn't want him to know that. I could feel his fear, he didn't want to die...I didn't want to kill him.

"I can't do it...I won't hurt you more than I already have" I confessed, Ben shook his head and raised his hand to the side of my face, comforting me.

"You know what you have to do" he breathed out, horror filled my heart as I realized Ben thought I would actually hurt him. I frantically shook my head and felt tears well in my eyes. "No! I won't! I can't do anything worse to you!" I shouted, Ben just cradled my face in his hands and a single tear rolled down his cheek. I pulled him closer to me, embracing his body and feeling his pained chest rise and fall.

"Heal him as he did you, there is power in you Rey, power you don't understand but will guide you to the light you seek" Obi Wan's voice whispered in my head. I furrowed my brow and laid Ben flat on the floor, gently placing my hand on his cheek.

Breathe, just breathe.

I closed my eyes and felt my chest rise and fall much slower, my heart was slowing as I felt myself calm down. "Heal him, focus on Ben Solo...feel the connection you share and let it flow from you to him"

I suddenly heard Ben gasp softly in relief, my focus not breaking from healing him. I felt no fatigue from my efforts, just pure energy entering Ben and restoring what I could've possibly taken from him.

When I heard Ben take a deep breath, my heart filled with hope. I opened my eyes and saw the cut across his face now healed, his skin completely clear. I gasped softly and held his face in my hands as I admired his unharmed face.

"How did you do that?" Ben asked breathlessly, I just stifled out a laugh and ran my thumb along his cheekbone.

"I have no idea" I said plainly, Ben laughed and sat up from the ground, he smiled warmly toward me and snaked his hand underneath my hair and held the back of my neck. "I adore you" he breathed out.

I laughed softly and felt him pull me toward him once more, our lips collided again and it felt just as invigorating as the first time. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him close as we continued to breath in complete unison. Even though this was when we were both the most broken in our lives, we had each other, and that's all we needed. Ben chuckled softly, "this has to be the strangest place we could've been in" he breathed out.

I smirked and stood up quickly, grabbing him by the collar of his tunic and pulling him to his feet. A smile grew across both our faces as I began to pull him from the cell, "then let's go somewhere else" I said plainly. He smiled softly and I began to walk toward the cell door. "I will not waste a minute as long as you're next to me" I promised to him. "But you're going to have to trust for a tiny second" I breathed out.

I opened the doors to the cell and threw him toward the new troopers waiting outside, "take him to my chambers" I commanded.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now