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I cautiously walked through the empty temple, I saw my master standing in the doorway of the personal meditating room, where Skywalker would send students if they were a little too excited or anxious to calm down. I sighed with relief as I knew he was probably just going to advise I take some time to myself.

But as I approached the room, Skywalker followed in after me. My heart was pounding as I walked up to the closest seat and sat down, hiding my hands within my robe.

"Rey, I am just going to tell you a few things about the Jedi that you should know" Skywalker said softly as he sat himself down across the room from me.

"Pardon me master, but am I in trouble?" I asked, Skywalker shook his head and pushed his lower lip out. "Not in trouble, but I do have questions for you" he said softly, I just nodded my head and smiled toward the ground.

"Now, as you know, the Jedi have many rules they must oblige to. My question for you is, do you fully understand those rules?" Master Skywalker asked me, I stared at the ground in ponder and tried to remember all the words.

I furrowed my brow and took a deep breath, "I understand them but I sometimes can't remember them" I admitted, Luke nodded his head with pursed lips and folded his hands over his lap.

"Which ones do you remember?" He asked softly, I just looked up from the ground and saw his blue eyes gazing back toward me. I immediately felt intimidated as I thought back to the rules of the Jedi.

"No attachments, whether it's romantically or family...no marriage. No feelings of anger toward anyone, all lives are precious" I began to say, feeling embarrassed that I couldn't remember the rest.

"Well done, you almost got all of them. Ones that you were missing were, no killing an unarmed opponent and no seeking revenge. Along with smaller rules few and far between" Luke said confidingly. I just nodded my head and tried to still hide the fear factor within me.

"Rey, what I'm trying to tell you is that there are boundaries within a Jedi's ways, boundaries that will make keeping peace much more obtainable" He explained, I nodded my head and kept my eyes trained on the floor as I felt him looking at me. "Rey?" He asked.

"Yes master?" I asked in reply. I felt my hands tremble more violently as I feared what his question would be.

"Is there anything you want to tell me, anything that could be bothering you?" He asked comfortingly.

"Say nothing" the voice commanded, I straightened up my back and shook my rather quickly. "No master, I'm afraid not" I said quickly, Master Skywalker smiled toward me and I glanced down at his prosthetic hand. The dark, metal fingers were curled over his knee cap in a calm way.

"Very good, now just one more thing...do you feel you are truly learning the force in the ways of the light, in the ways of the Jedi?" Luke asked.


"Yes, master" I lied, plastering a fake smile on my face.

"Very good young one, when we speak...you will be rewarded" the voice chimed in, I concealed my hands in my sleeves and dug my nails into the palm of my hand.

"Very well, I'm proud of you, Rey of Jakku. Even though you have joined later than most, I feel as though you have a strong connection with the force" Luke said proudly, pride and panic filled my heart.

"He senses your power, you must act soon" the voice advised but I pushed it away, focusing more on my masters pride for me.

"Thank you master Skywalker" I said quickly, he nodded his head and smiled toward me. "You may go train now, forgive me for interrupting" Luke said happily.

"There's no need to ask for forgiveness master, for I have no reason to never not give you such things" I said sincerely, he smirked and have me a small nod. I turned toward the exit of the temple and took a quicker pace leaving than I did entering.

"Rey" Luke called once again, I froze in my place and glanced over my shoulder. I made eye contact with my master and stared at him with wide eyes. "Yes master?" I asked.

"Remember, I will always be here if you need me" he said happily, I gave him a quick nod and felt a hint of warmth fill my heart.

"Do not think for one moment he cares for you, you're alone in this world. The only way to free yourself of your eternal alienation is to embrace the power within you" the voice explained, the feeling of warmth was ripped away as I left the temple, replaced with an empty, lonesome hum in my heart.

I began to slowly walk back toward Vai, I felt a slight sensation of someone looking at me. I furrowed my brow and looked over my shoulder to see the same young man, Ben Solo, staring at me, his own brow furrowed.

There was a charged moment between us, where I could feel his mind full of confusion along with mine. I finally turned my back to him and continued to walk toward Vai, almost irked by the instances with this young man.

I looked up at Vai and saw her methodically swinging her blade of green light around. Her reverse grip was a little better since the last time I saw her training.

I pulled the lightsaber from my belt and ignited the blue weapon, the icy light spilling from the hilt and Vai just smirked. I did a simple twirl in my hand and held the hilt out in front of me. I ignited the other side of my double-bladed saber and held it in a defensive position.

"Are we trying or trying trying?" I asked, Bai just smirked and lunged toward me. I whipped the end of saber down and blocked the strike. It went back and forth like a game as we both knew each other well enough to predict our attacks.

"She is an enemy, end her now!" The voice yelled, it's volume much louder than before. I growled in anger as we continued to go back and forth. Each of our strikes being deflected or beaten by our equal speed. "Focus on your anger, your frustration! You should be better than her! You are stronger than her!" The voice yelled.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now