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Rey flees in Vai's personal ship, implanting the directions to the mysterious place called Ilum that the man, Snoke, had commanded Rey to fly to.

Rey sat in the cockpit of the ship and let the aircraft fly itself through the galaxy, unable to function under the crushing realization at what she'd done.

In a matter of minutes, she'd killed Luke Skywalker, destroyed his temple and inadvertently slaughtered the rest of the students. Mercy killed her only friend and nearly killed Ben Solo...all for what?

It was too late for her to go back now, for she had nothing to return to. She knew that if she tried to redeem herself or even apologize, Ben Solo would kill her out of rage for murdering his uncle.

All Rey could think about was the look on Vai's face as she was slain. How her eyes were soft and thankful and she believed that her closest friend, Rey, had nothing do with this.

Rey was crushed by the death of her dearest friend and felt more empty than before, for the death of her master and companion made her soul weep with complete distraught.


How could Luke do that to me? Betray me and attempt to murder me?

I sat back in the seat and closed my eyes, feeling dry, empty tears begin to fall from my eyes. All I wanted to do was crash this ship into the ground and forget I'd ever made this choice.

"Ilum dear child, that's where you find sanctuary and all the answers your heart desires" Snoke croaked in my ear, I clenched my jaw and felt as though the words were poison in my ears.

I simply reached my hands up to the controls and forced the ship to go as fast as it possibly could, the sooner I got there, the sooner I'd find answers.

After Rey had flown across the galaxy, her heart growing hard and cold as she grew closer, knowing her own destiny lie ahead.

Rey arrived at Ilum.
The planet itself was enormous, a white planet with a dark, horrific canyon of darkness surrounding the entire world. A large circle dug through the center with a crimson light glowing from the planets core.

I furrowed my brow as I entered a snowy planet, wicked winds ripped across the dark night skies as I searched for this place Snoke had told me to come.

He's led me to a trap you blundering fool.

My eyes scanned over the icy terrain until I pulled back on the ships controls and felt my heart pound as a dark, mysterious base seemed to protrude from a mountain side. I furled my brow and piloted my ship toward the base, watching as I suddenly felt the ship rumble as it was locked in with a tractor beam.

I grasped the armrests of the pilots seat and felt fear rise in my chest as the walls of the base opened like an unhinged jaw and swallowed my ship in whole. I watched as I entered a sleek and modern hangar, tie-fighters were lining the walls of the towering base as my ship slammed against the shining floor. I just sat still as I heard people walking up to my ship.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my trembling hands as the window to my ship was lifted and men in white plated armor were staring down at me. "State your name" they demanded, I choked on my breath as I noticed the blasters in their hands.

"State your name" the stormtrooper repeated, their tone growing alarmingly hostile.

"Rey" I said plainly, my voice sounding weak and foolish. "Rey what?" One man asked impatiently, I just shook my head and glanced down at my hands.

"Just Rey" I answered, the troopers looked at each other and gave a small nod before offering me their hands. I furrowed my brow and grasped their hands, allowing them to pull me from the ship and breathe in the cold, slick air.

"What is this place?" I asked, the troopers chuckled and led me down the side of the ship. Where a man with fiery red hair and extremely pale skin was waiting for me.

I approached the man and saw his putrid expression turn to one of pleasance. He smiled sourly and looked me up and down. "I assume you have questions but I will not answer many of them, follow me" he demanded, whipping on his heels and marching away. I hesitantly followed after his as troopers trailed behind us.

"Where am I?" I asked with fearful curiosity, " and who are you?"

"I am General Hux of the First Order, and you are on Starkiller base, headquarters of the first order" he explained, I furrowed my brow and watched as he led me into a hyperlift.

"What is the First Order?" I asked, he smirked and pressed the highest button on the hyperlift's panel.

"We are the new order of the galaxy, one might call us the successors of the galactic empire" Hux explained, I'd only heard stories of the empire and none with good. I knew they were ruled under a bloodied, iron fist by a man only some knew the name of...I heard him called the emperor once, but that's hard to believe.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, Hux's smile faded as he straightened out his back and folded his hands behind his back.

"To meet Supreme Leader Snoke" Hux said plainly, I choked on my breath and felt anxiety fill my heart. This was how I met the invader, surrounded by his minions.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now