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I rose inside the hyperlift, my heart no longer pounding form my anticipation of Snoke's meeting. I simply kept my eyes trained on the doors as Hux stood behind me and smirked confidently.

The silence within the small space was not charged, I had nothing to say to Hux and his measly looking face. He wore a long, black trench coat over his normal uniform. Just like everyone in the first order, he looked as though he was attending a funeral.

He shifted behind me and his boots squealed against the floor, I slowly looked over my shoulder and he just raised a brow toward me. "Not wearing a mask now are we? You might not want to go too comfortable Ren." He said confidently, I kept my face stiff as I looked him up and down in disgust.

"Still training your men to be traitors are we?" I countered spitefully, his face fell from a smirk into a hateful glare. I slipped in a quick smirk and faced forward once again, letting the back of my cloak fall over my shoulders and mask my entire body. The front of my gown becoming invisible to the layers of my cloak.

The doors to the hyperlift opened and I was the first to leave, walking quickly toward Snoke and kneeling down, hiding my face. Hux stood up next to me and stared at Snoke in the eyes, not a hint of fear with his icy irises.

"Supreme Leader, it's come to our attention-" Hux began to say but Snoke cut him off promptly.

"I did not summon you General, what are you doing here?" Snoke spit, I kept my eyes on the floor as Hux swallowed a clump in his throat and stood a little less tall. Hux simply kept his lips closed as what he had to say was apparently not important. "Get out" Snoke commanded.

"Yes supreme leader" Hux chimed carefully, turning in his heels and marching from the throne room. The sound of his shoes echoing across the floor as he walked away. Once he was inside the hyperlift, Snoke sighed and looked down at me.

"Rise, Velle Ren" Snoke commanded, I slowly raised myself from the ground and lifted my eyes to meet Snoke's, a look of pride flashed across his face. "My apprentice, I have a task for you" Snoke admitted, I subtly furrowed my brow as Snoke motioned for me to walk toward him.

I did so willingly and approached his throne, standing straight before him, "You will down hunt Ben Solo" He demanded, my eyes widened with excitement as he saw my reaction. He cackled manically and reaches his hand out. Snoke placed his hand on my shoulder and I shuddered at the touch. "You will find him and you will bring him to me" Snoke commanded, I gave him a quick nod and felt his hand lift from my shoulder.

"May I ask why supreme leader?" I asked, Snoke's face stayed cold as stone as he motioned for me to step back, I did so diligently.

"his power is spoken highly of, if what they say is true about him...I wish to know more" Snoke said slyly, he was lying but I didn't know about what. I quickly nodded my head and turned my back to him, beginning to walk back toward the hyperlift. "Velle Ren! It would be in your best interest to not fail me once more" he spit, I stopped in my tracks and breathed in a shaky breath.

"Of course supreme leader, it will be done" I promised, I quickly walked toward the hyperlift and entered the small space. Knowing damn well that if I failed again, Snoke would kill me.
The doors to the hyperlift closed and I felt a wave of excitement fill me.

I would see Ben again, I shouldn't be feeling this way toward anyone. My place under Snoke requires me to be a ruthless, emotionless and heartless ruler of the galaxy, so that when my day may come, I will rule just as my grandfather did.

Because I wanted that...

Velle Ren retires back to her room, preparing for her search for Ben Solo.

I lie in my bed, afraid of the nightmare that will come tonight. Every night for six years, I've received nothing but darkness in my mind, endless, horrifying darkness that never seems to have an limit.

I closed my eyes and felt my shoulders relax as I sunk into the mattress of my cot, the feeling of the cushion felt like heaven in hell. I slowed my breath down, pulled the blanket up to my shoulder and buried my face within the pillow.

"Your truth lies beyond the dark side" the warm voice returned, I furrowed my brow and felt my body shiver. Who was this man?

I felt my eyes open within a dream, I was standing a dark room, the walls seemed to vibrate with a malicious growl. I whipped around and looked down at myself, I was wearing what I wore as a scavenger, the bright white color looked so wrong on me. I furrowed my brow in confusion and looked down at my hand, I gasped a lightsaber was in my grasp, but not mine.

My eyes darted around as my thumb hovered the ignition button. My body suddenly screamed with worry as I whipped my head toward someone in the shadows, I gasped as I saw myself garbed in darkness as I always have been. Her smile was devilish and her eyes were like daggers in my soul, her face was gaunt and pale.

 Her smile was devilish and her eyes were like daggers in my soul, her face was gaunt and pale

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"look at yourself" she spit, I just stumbled back as she moved toward me. Her own saber ignited, the crimson light spread like a disease across the darkness and made me fear for my very life. "Don't be afraid of who you are" she hissed. I furrowed my brow and watched as she lunged at me.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now