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On Snoke's Command Ship...

"Well done my worthy apprentice, you have proven yourself useful for once" Snoke spit proudly, I kept my eyes trained on the throne room floor as he passively tore me apart again. A part of my soul ate away at me as I knew Ben was on this ship, somewhere I didn't know...probably being tortured or beaten.

Why did you do this to him?

"Ren, you have proven yourself to be a true ally to the first order. Tomorrow, you will join me for the execution of Ben Solo" he announced, my eyes widened and I looked up at him in hopeless despair.

"Execution?" I asked quickly, Snoke smiled and nodded his head.

"Don't be so excited Ren, he is your enemy, therefore...he must die" he announced, I wiped the shocked expression from my face and nodded my head, rising from my kneel. I placed a sly smirk on my face and watched Snoke's face turn deathly still. "You will kill Ben Solo" he commanded.

"When my lord?" I asked painfully, trying to mask the despair in my voice. Snoke smiled and leaned back in his throne. "Soon, I will summon you" he said softly.

I nodded my head with fake happiness and watched as Snoke flicked his hand, motioning for me to exit the throne room. I scurried from the throne room and felt my heart pounding at the bottom of my soul. "My apprentice!" Snoke yelled.

I glanced over my shoulder and felt the room turn deathly cold, "next time you choose to wear your ceremonial garb, do it with my consent" Snoke demanded. I gave him a quick nod and faced the hyperlift once more.

"Of course my lord, forgive me" I said sincerely, I entered the hyperlift, watching the doors close around me. I stumbled against the hyperlift walls and began to heave in breaths. I ripped the hood from my head and angrily ran my fingers through my hair.

I have to kill Ben.

I can't kill Ben.

I can't....I just can't.

My eyes began to sting with pain as tears dared to fall from them. I balled my fists and screamed in anguish within the hyperlifts walls. I could feel the force growing around me as if the force could feel my pain. I felt my throat become ripped apart as the scream ripped through my soul and split the stale air of the command ship.

The doors to the hyperlift opened and a squadron of stormtroopers were standing outside. I screamed in anger and through my hand out toward them, I watched as all the men in white armor were thrown backward and slammed against the dark walls. I stormed past them and practically ran toward my chambers. My frantic footsteps filled my ears as I reached my door, the metal doors hissed open and I saw two people cleaning out my room.

"Get out!" I screamed, their eyes widened toward me but they frantically ran from the chambers, the doors slamming behind them as they left. Once I was in the silence of my room, I broke down completely.

My abdomen burned with a pain that could only come from the connection we shared. The place where Ben stabbed me because I could've killed him, yet he healed me and saved my life. I've damned him to death and yet he wouldn't do the same to me. Hot tears streamed down my face as I crumpled to the ground and felt this emptiness swallow me whole and spit me out in a mutilated pile of depression.

I picked myself up from the ground and stormed toward my bed, throwing myself within the blankets and sobbing into the dark fabric. I'd felt this sadness before...when I killed Vai.

This hollowness in my soul as I'd finally found someone I loved and I'd lost them to my own selfish ways. Another scream ripped from my throat as I tore the cloak from my shoulders and let the red fabric fall to the floor. I buried myself within the blankets of my bed, feeling completely broken inside.

I don't know when or how, but my body put itself to sleep as I cried into the blankets of my bed.

Late in the night...

"Focus Rey, listen to me!" The warm voice said forcefully, I thrashed around in my bed as I felt my heart quicken. I suddenly found myself in another place within my dream, another world. I looked around frantically as my hair stuck to my neck from sweat.

I saw the man in brown robes before me again, I shuddered at the sight of him and felt my heart sink. "Who are you?" I asked, calling out to the mysterious. "If you're here to invade my mind just as Snoke has...then you're wasting your time" I said truthfully, but the man just chuckled warmly.

"My dear, I wish you only comfort" he said softly, I stared at him as he began to turn around. This feeling of familiarity and warmth filled my body as I ached to see his face. I took a step toward him and reached out my hand, I looked at my arm and saw dark fabric covering my body once more. The sight of the depressing color made my heart sink.

I extended my hand toward the man when I suddenly felt pressure against my fingertips, there was something keeping me from touching this man. I furrowed my brow and placed my hand against the invisible wall. The man turned around to reveal a young man in sand colored robes. A beard of chestnut hair adorned his chin as he smiled, his eyes gleaming in the darkness. "I can give you answers my dear, what would you like to know?" He asked, my heart swelled with happiness as he promised me answers.

I stifled in a breath and placed my other hand against the glass, "who am I to you?" I asked, a slight look of shock grew across his face as he smirked.

"Wouldn't you like to know where Luke Skywalker is?" He asked, I quickly shook my head. I didn't care for Luke at the moment, I cared for Ben and I cared to find out who I truly was. A warm smile grew across his face as he approached the wall, happiness growing within me as a single tear rolled down my cheek.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now