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I scanned over the crowd of people and my eyes laid on the old man, I'd seen him before. "You there" I called, "come here"

The old man looked up and pointed to himself, I gave him a quick nod and he slowly stood from the snow, walking toward me with no hurry in the world.

"What is your name?" I asked, he choked on his breath but immediately stood tall.

"Lor Sen Tekka" he stated proudly, I knew this man because I'd met him before. He helped Luke form the temple and start the new era of Jedi...this man was part of the weakening republic.

"How old you've become" I spit, he just raised his chin toward me and I stared him down, "you know what I've come for?" I spit. He simply pressed his lips together and softly shook his head.

" I know where you came from, before you called yourself Velle Ren" he said softly, "I remember you, I remember how small you were...Rey of Jakku" he said softly, I balled my fists and unclipped the lightsaber from my belt.

"Rey is dead, I murdered along with my useless past, just as I will murder you" I spit, Lor simply scoffed and stood even straighter.

"You cannot dent the truth that is your family" he said proudly, I just smirked and ignited the weapon, "I deny nothing" I hissed.

Lor chuckled softly and looked me up and down, "Snoke is no fool, you deny questioning what he knows about you" Lor said proudly, I choked on my breath as I realized Lor was right. I'd never questioned if Snoke lied to me about my past.

I growled in anger before raising my saber in the air and driving through the old man's body. Lor fell to the snow in a crippled heap, now just another corpse for these pathetic civilians to mourn.

That's when I sensed it.

I whipped my hand around and watched as a blast from a gun froze in the air, the shooter also frozen in place. I smirked as troopers ran toward the man and grabbed him, his body being released from the force as I launched the blast elsewhere.

The troopers brought the man before me and I knelt down, his carved face and obviously cocky personality sat there silently.
"So who talks first, you talk first? I talk first?" He asked, I stayed in front of him as I noted his jacket.

"Another rebel" I hissed, the man looked up at me and smirked. "Get him in the transport, I'll deal with him at the base" I commanded.

The man was lifted from the ground as troopers carried him into the separate transport, I heard the screams of the rebel woman as I knew she was being executed. These people knew where the map was...they wouldn't live to tell anyone else.

"Kill them all" I commanded forcefully.

"No!" The rebel yelled as he was pulled into the ship, I heard their screams as I turned my back to them and walked toward my ship. Sheathing my lightsaber and entering the abyss of silence that was the transport. Flashes of red light bounces off the walls of the ship as screams were silenced by the sound of blasters. I looked out on the bloodbath and saw one trooper wasn't firing, just staring at me as a handprint if blood was smeared down his face. I stared at him with equal intensity as he disobeyed direct orders.

I simply closed my eyes and waited until the screams were silenced and Phasma ordered the troopers back into their transport. The sight of that trooper not firing irked me, why would he disobey me?

The knights of ren entered the ship, wiping blood from their weapons as they sat down and cheered silently from their victory. "Well done, I shall see to it Supreme Leader Snoke knows of your deeds" I said proudly, they all gave me a quick nod and I sat back in my seat, removing the helmet from my head and trying to hide my wandering eyes.

"My lady, Snoke requires you speak with him now" Phasma informed me, I looked up toward the woman and watched as all the knights respectively left me to my conference. "Very well" I said plainly.

Once all the knights had left, I knew they'd be moved to a different transport while i was flown to Snoke's ship, along with the prisoner. I stood in front of a pixelating hologram as Snoke appeared before me.

I quickly knelt before my master and kept my head low as he took a deep breaths, "tell me of the map" Snoke demanded.

I stood from my kneel and faced him, proud of what I'd done. "The village was pillaged and we discovered three rebels, one of which was Lor Sen Tekka" I explained, Snoke's face turned sour as I mentioned his name.

"What happened to him?" Snoke asked, I lowered the hood from my head and smirked softly, "he was executed" I said plainly, Snoke smiled.

"We also obtained a prisoner of the resistance, we assume he knows of the map and if not, we'll get the resistance base coordinates." I explained, Snoke rubbed his chin with his hand and looked toward me.

"And what if the villagers?" He asked.

"Slaughtered" I replied weakly, his smile faded and nodded his head. "You have done well my apprentice, deal with the prisoner and then retire for the night" he commanded, the hologram depleted and I stumbled to my seat as I realized I murdered Lor Sen Tekka. One of the fleeting memories of Luke's temple.

"Snoke is no fool, you deny questioning what he knows about you"

I felt the transport lift from Kajimi and begin to fly back toward starkiller base, where I knew I'd get answers from that rebel scum.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now