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The ship landed within my private hangars, I place the helmet back over my head and stormed from the hangar and toward the detention center. My skin was crawling to get information from this rebel.

"My lady, the prisoner has resisted saying anything from all our efforts" a woman informed me as she marched along my side, "along with that, he's the best pilot the resistance has...he's dangerous" she said hastily.

My heartbeat was loud in my chest as I marched around the base, quickly finding my way through the maze like halls and watching as troopers stood just outside of a newly occupied cell. "Good, I'd be disappointed if he wasn't" I mumbled, "get Hux here now" I commanded. The woman averted my path and continued on her own as I smirked and motioned for the troopers to let me inside, they obviously obliged as I walked in to see the rebel strapped to a torture chair, his face and hands bloodied form being beaten on his way here.

I waited until the cell door closed behind me and enveloped the room in darkness before I began my interrogation. I could sense this man's confidence, he couldn't sense mine. That's what made this all the more fun.

"I had no clue we had the best pilot of the resistance" I said softly, walking up to the pilot. He slowly opened his eyes and look of distain filled her pupils.

"Comes with practice" he breathed out weakly, I suppressed a pitiful chuckle and continued to walk toward him.

"Comfortable?" I taunted, the man just looked at me with annoyed eyes and snuffed his nose.

"Not exactly the word I would use" he said humorously, I began to stalk around his body, noting his fighting spirit and obvious love for the rebellion just by his attitude on Kajimi and here.

"Why were you on Kajimi?" I asked plainly, stopping just behind his shoulder as he snorted. "Why do you care?" He spit, I just giggled softly and moved to right in front of him. "I care a lot rebel scum" I hissed. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes in frustration.

"I'm impressed, you've somehow resisted all our efforts to try and get information from you" I admitted, the man scoffed and smirked slyly. "No one can get out of you, what you did with the map" I spit.

"And you won't" he spit in return, I just chuckled and moved extremely close to his busted face. His shied away from my closeness but I didn't, I wanted to see the worry and fear in his eyes when I got the information that I wanted.

"I will" I hissed, I backed away from him and extended my hand out in front of me. "Tell me where the map is" I demanded, the man scoffed and leaned his head back. Obviously thinking he could prepare for what I was going to do to him. "No" he relied slyly, I just closed my eyes and focused on grasping his heart.

I focused in on his heartbeat, the rhythmic sound of his chest pumping. I wrapped the force around the vital organ and put pressure on it. The man's brows furrowed as he realized what I was doing, i moved the pressure up his throat and watched as he began to thrash around for air as I cut his lungs off. His eyes became red with pain as I slowly moved upward and into his mind.

Drawing his head forward and watching as his face contorted with pain. I focused on his mind and proved his thoughts, invading his very brain. His face was a clear depiction of excruciating pain as I began to violently dig through his thoughts, he didn't think about much. Then his name was pushed into my own, I smirked.

"Poe Dameron..." I hissed, his heart quickened at the idea of me knowing his name. I smiled sadistically beneath the mask and felt power flow through my body as I tortured this man.

"Where is it?" I demanded to know, he grit his teeth and shook his head as if telling himself no. I grew impatient and forced my hand forward, slamming his head into the torture chair and causing him to groan in pain.

"The resistance...will not be intimidated by you" he forced himself to say, his face turning purple from his pathetic attempt to resist me. Probing his mind was like child's play, it took no effort. I pushed further into his mind and repeated myself, emphasizing the importance I receive this information.

"Where is it?" I said slowly, the pilot began to thrash around until he screamed in agony. The scream ripped his throat apart until finally his mind gave out, and I saw all his thoughts. Words were jumbled across my mind as I focused on what I wanted to find. His mind suddenly silenced as eight words danced across my mind.



BB unit.

Has map.

Luke Skywalker.

I released the pressure on his mind and watched his eyes flutter with pain to stay awake, "Thank you for your cooperation" I taunted before exiting the cell and meeting face to face with Hux. His icy eyes were gleaming with anxiousness for my newly obtained information.

"It's in a droid, a BB unit" I explained quickly, Hux smirked and stood straighter. "Well, if it's still in Kajimi, we'll have it in no time" Hux said proudly.

"I leave that to you" I said plainly "send the knights to find that droid" I commanded as I began to walk toward my chambers, ready to retire for the night. I marched through the halls of the ship feeling accomplished for the day.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now