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The next morning...

I exited my chambers with slight joy, for the knights of Ren would've searched Kajimi for the droid overnight. They would've for sure found it by now, I was confident on the knights abilities to hunt down a droid. I also planned on reevaluating the one trooper who disobeyed my orders. FN-2187.

I walked down the halls of my command ship and began to walk toward the bridge of the command center. My footsteps were loud as troopers avoided me as I walked through, I furrowed my brow beneath my mask and felt anger grow within me. The whole mood of the ship seemed off, the very expression on a commanders face proved my point. His thin brows were furled and frightened as I walked by. I changed my path to the bridge and entered the lounge area, where lieutenants and generals were all relaxing happily.

Once I walk inside, all the men and women within the lounge jumped to their feet and stared at me with wide eyes. I could sense their nervousness. My eyes scanned over the room until they rested on a measly looking man with black hair and a small body frame. I furrowed my brow and looked at him with anger.

"Lieutenant Kerkall, have you heard anything from the knights of Ren about the droid on Kajimi?" I asked, his shoulders were hunched with nervousness and he slowly nodded his head. "Go on" I demanded.

"General Hux ordered that the knights of Ren not go, that his own men could handle the mission" Kerkall said nervously, I balled my fists and stared in fury at the lieutenant. How dare General Hux ignore my direct orders. Stormtroopers were merely morons with blasters, if we were going to hunt down a droid and nothing intervene, we needed the knights to do this mission. Yet Hux defied me.

"What happened?" I demanded to know, the lieutenant pressed his lips together and took a deep breath. The tension was so thick within the room, I could smell it. I glanced at the other commanders within the room and watched them all avert their gaze. "T-The droid escaped on a freighter with one of our own" Kerkall explained shortly, I whipped my head toward him and furrowed my brow.

"One of our own?" I asked, infuriated. Kerkall explained fearfully, I felt my blood boil as he attempted to stand tall. "We are searching through all our troops to discover which one it wa-" he said proudly but I raised my finger.

"The trooper from the village...FN-2187, it was him" I said sternly, knowing I was right. Kerkall nodded his head and looked as though he was going to continue talking. "How?" I hissed.

"He escaped with the rebel pilot" the man said fearfully, I unsheathed my lightsaber and began to violently slash at the lounge wall. I growled in rage as the wall became mutilated into melting, scolding pieces of molten metal. I caught my breath and lowered my saber from the wall, sheathing the weapon and glancing over my shoulder.

"Anything else?" I asked breathlessly, the man lowered his eyes and tensed his shoulders. "They escaped with a young man-" he began to say, I whipped my hand out and wrapped the force around the man's throat and pulled his toward me. His body was ripped toward me as his throat soon rested in the curve of my hand, choking the breath from him.

"What man?" I spit, Kerkall just choked for air as I threw him from my grasp. Kerkall slammed against the ground and scrambled to his feet, I quickly stormed from the lounge and toward the bridge. I could feel my blood pumping in my ears as I marched through the halls of the ship, vowing that if I found Hux, he'd hear hell from me.

As I stormed through the halls, I reached my hand out and grabbed a commander by the collar and pulled her toward my face. "Where is Hux?" I demanded to know, she stared at me with wide eyes and just pointed toward the bridge.

"I'm the bridge my lady, would you like me to inform him-" she began to offer but I pushed the woman to the side and stomped even faster through the corridors, my face turning hit with rage.

I entered the bridge and laid eyes on Hux, his very existence seeming poisonous. A woman standing next to Hux looked at me and slowly backed away, her eyes wide as Hux glanced over his shoulder and he looked at me. His face turned to panic as I slowly walked toward him.

 His face turned to panic as I slowly walked toward him

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"Ah...Velle Ren...it's good to see you" Hux said awkwardly, as I grew closer to him I could feel my eyes growing hot with burning fury.

"Save the niceties, tell me where the droid is" I spit, Hux's eyes turned wide as he swallowed a clump in his throat. "You should know where it is, for your own men took it somewhere else...I see all you excel at is teaching your men high treason" I spit.

"I will have you question my methods" Hux spit, walking up to me and gliding his arms behind his back and standing tall.

"Perhaps Snoke should consider using a clone army over your poor excuse of soldiers" I said confidently, Hux frowned.

"My men are exceptionally trained, programmed from birth!" He sneered, I stepped even closer and met his eyes.

"Then they should've captured the droid, but you disobeyed direct orders from me and ceased the knights from capturing which they would've done do not for your moronic decision to command them otherwise" I spit. "Find me the droid"

"Careful Ren, do not let your personal interests interfere with the order's" Hux threatened, I unclipped the lightsaber from my belt and watched Hux's eyes turn full of worry.

"I want that droid, you will find it for your own sake" I spit, Hux just stared at me as I turned my back to the bridge and marched away from that poor excuse for a general.

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