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I walked across my room and opened the doors to my wardrobe, viewing through the plentiful amount of black gowns and armor. The empty color felt wrong as I stared at it, something inside me had changed. After I saw myself masked in darkness, I didn't want to resemble that creature of darkness.

I pushed back the many gowns and saw nothing but dark clothes, I sighed dramatically and looked down at the base of the wardrobe where a sleek, black box lie on the platform. I furrowed my brow and realized this was the clothing I was meant to wear when it came time for me to take my place as empress. I opened the box and inside lie a white colored outfit, resembling my old scavenger garb.

"When the time comes, you will wear your past and feel it burned away as you take your rightful place" Snoke's voice filled my mind.

I was meant to wear this as a moment of my past so when I finally became empress, I would destroy the last image of my past by destroying it, as I had everything else. It was meant to be accustomed to my liking, so I made it quite nostalgic. The light color looked as though it was a mix between my past and my burden of being a scavenger, the fabric crossed over my chest like an "X" and flowed down the front and sides of the garb. There were no sleeves with the shirt, only arm wraps the same cream color. I chuckled softly as I saw a brown belt that adorns my waist.

I stared at the outfit and quickly walked behind a divider in my room, I ripped my nightgown off my body and pulled the shirt over my head, noticing its rather short length. I wrapped the white fabric around my arms, starting at my wrists up to the tops of my biceps. I pulled high waisted, white capris onto my legs and pulled tall, brown boots onto my feet.

I pulled my hair behind my head and grabbed the nearest cloak, wrapping the long, red fabric around my body and quickly leaving my chambers and began to walk toward my private hangar

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I pulled my hair behind my head and grabbed the nearest cloak, wrapping the long, red fabric around my body and quickly leaving my chambers and began to walk toward my private hangar.

I glanced back into my room at my helmet, the mask that I'd used so much to conceal my emotionless face. The doors closed on my mask and I knew I no longer needed the helmet.

The dormant halls of the command ship were relieving as I ventured toward my ship, hoping no one would interrupt me as I walked. But the fiery hair of the General caught my eye and I wanted to tell in frustration.

Hux approached me as I began to walk toward my ship, my cloak masking the fact I still had my hair down.

"Where do you think you're going?" Hux demanded you know, I ignored his question and continued to walk through the dormant hangar, my single ship waiting for me as I quickened my pace. "Supreme Leader Snoke will know of your absences!" Hux yelled.

I stopped in my tracks and slowly turned around, facing him and feeling my face grow hot with anger. "This is a mission assigned by Snoke you ignorant bastard" I spit quietly, Hux just froze in place as I stared him down.

"Careful Velle, your compulsive behavior will be your downfall" Hux spit, I simply turned around and strode toward my ship. I listened as Hux marched away from this conversation. I entered my ship and quickly escaped the hangar of the command ship. The hum of my ship filling my ears as I

My heart pounded with excitement as I began to fly through the vast galaxy, the only thing nearby is the first order fleet. I stared at the first order fleet and saw its impending fear factor. The idea of a futile resistance trying to stop this sounded maddening.

I entered Fulovu in to the navigational system and felt my ship begin to autopilot toward the destination. I wasn't far from the planet but the idea of arriving struck fear into my heart. I trusted Ben, something about him made me feel more secure than any warship ever could.

I felt a pull on my body as I was launched through lightspeed, the force of the quantum jumping making my heart race faster. I clenched my jaw as the stars stretched into never ending lines and I was in a tunnel of blue light. While my ship navigated its way through the vastness of space, I looked in the back of my ship and saw the emptiness, it was pleasing.

I suddenly felt my ship exit lightspeed, and anxiety filled my chest. What if he still sees that monster from my vision? What if he still sees the girl who murdered her friend out of hate...not mercy?

I pushed those thoughts from my mind as a blue planet was before me, I swallowed a clump in my throat as I directed the ship down toward the surface, the closer I got, the more I could see of the desolate planet.

I dove through the atmosphere and rain slapped against the ships glass, the droplets large and violent. I furrowed my brow as I scanned over the terrain, seeing islands scattered few and far between.

The sound of rain hitting my window sounded like a song as the dark clouds masked the white sun just outside the planet. My brow unfurrowed as I suddenly felt Ben near me, I widened my eyes and looked down below my ship.

I saw a lonesome island, a small cluster of huts scattered within the islands coast. My heart pounded with fear wildly as I slowly led the ship toward the surface. The sound of the giant waves crashing against the coast filled my ears as my ship hissed in effort as I landed on a small plateau. I lifted my hands from the controls and pulled the hood of my cloak up and over my head as I began to stand from the pilot seat.

My hands trembled as I could sense Ben so near, it was horrific and relieving at the same time. I walked up to the back of the ship and pressed the button that lowered the ramp to the planets surface. A gust of wind entered my ship as I watched the ramp lower, fear filling me as I held my cloak shut, concealing my garb underneath.

I felt the rain hit the top of my hood as I walked out of the ship, my eyes facing the ground as I slowly lifted them to see Ben standing atop a small hill, looking down at me.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now