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I stared at her face, she was standing right before me. She was wearing the same Jedi robes as the day of the destruction, her body no longer scarred or mutilated. She smiled softly at me and held out her hand, I choked on my breath and stared at her with wide eyes.

"I love you Rey, I will always love you like a sister" she breathed out, I lowered the saber from Ben's chest and focused all my attention on her. I felt my saber begin to slip from my fingers. Rain fell against my face as I stared at Vai, I wanted to tell her I loved her too. I wanted to tell her I'm sorry for making everything so horrible and ruining her young and hopeful life for my own selfish ways.

I slowly began to lift my hand toward hers, watching as she walked in my direction and placed her hand in mine. I felt her spirit around me, I shuddered and gazed into her bright eyes, "remember who you are" she said softly.

My lightsaber fell from my grasp, I expected to hear the hilt clatter against the wet ground but I didn't. I heard the reigniting of the blade as Ben yelled in effort. I was too distracted by Vai to notice my surroundings.

She smiled one last time and pulled her hand from mine, disappearing in seconds. Just as I was about to turn back to Ben, I felt a burning, molten feeling rip through my abdomen. I gasped as I looked down and saw the red blade through my body, Ben holding the hilt.

I couldn't feel the pain at first, all I could feel was my heart breaking with disbelief. I stared into the rain covered night and felt Ben sheath the saber. My knees gave out beneath me as Ben caught my fall and slowly lowered me to the ground. I took deep, ragged breaths as I every movement was painful.

Was this how I die? By the hands of the man I love?

Ben stared at me with wide eyes as he threw my blade off to the side, focusing on me and me only. A sizzling hole was purged through my body, Ben's eyes were fixated on the wound. I slowly looked back toward him with conflicted eyes, he looked so lost and broken.

I suddenly watched as Ben closed his eyes and extended his hand over my wound, his face contorted with despair and regret as he began to take slow, drawn out breaths. I furrowed my brow as I suddenly felt my body begin to fill with warmth. A surge of energy filled me as the storm raged above us, clouds swirling violently

I could feel my skin close and my muscle form back together. I stared at the night sky and let me head fall backward in relief as I finally took a deep breath. I began to tremble with shock as I slowly made my eyes meet his once more. He lowered his hand onto my stomach, resting his palm flat against my clothed skin. "I'm sorry" he breathed out, I felt anger grow beneath my skin but all that escaped my lips was a small cry.

His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he fell to the side, I gasped in horror and leaned over him. I grasped his face in my hands and stared at him with frantic eyes, I took a breath of relief as his chest still continued to rise and fall. I glanced up toward the sky and saw the resistance transport getting eerily close to the surface. I glanced down at Ben and all I could see was...

My unfortunate enemy.

I raised my hand toward Ben and wrapped the force around his body, his limp body lifting from the wet ground as I quickly pulled him toward my ship. My heart sunk to the bottom of my soul as I entered my ship, but an eye for an eye.

I placed Ben on the side of the ship, running my hand down the side of his face in despair before sitting in the pilots seat and prepping the ship for a launch toward the first order command ship. I glanced behind me to see his resting face, now struck with a look of brokenness.

"He saved your life, why must you seek revenge?" The warm voice asked, I gasped softly and felt my body hum with a new feeling. Hope.

"Its what I've been taught" I relied to the vastness of space, only hearing the ill fallen pattern of rain against my ship. I heard a warm chuckle and my body shuddered.

"You will regret it my dear, think of a solution...not another problem" the voice advised. I growled in anger and pushed the voice from my head, I lifted the ship from the planets surface and blasted into the dark space above, tears stung my eyes as I flew through the sky.

Don't do this to him, he saved your life.

My mind was screaming at me to let Ben go but I wouldn't listen, he fooled me before by leaning into my emotions for him. I wouldn't make that same mistake now, no matter how much my heart cared for him.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now