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"Thank you" Vai's voice echoed in my head as I floated in the middle of my room in deep meditation. A single tear fell from my eye as her voice echoed in my mind. My whole body began to tremble with the same feeling in my soul.


With Vai and Luke...I had friends, I had a family of people like me. But here...I had torturous nightmares and emotional pain I never thought I'd feel. Snoke does nothing but use me for my power, but I cannot defy him for I'm bound to his service.

Then a chill ran across my entire body, I opened my eyes within the meditation and saw the same jagged throne I saw every time I had this vision. The throne of the Sith, with my corpse body resting atop its horrific structure.

My eyes milky white as a hood masked my features, the same light that flashed across my eyes as I stared at myself

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My eyes milky white as a hood masked my features, the same light that flashed across my eyes as I stared at myself. Something never seems right about the image, it just seemed artificial or to elegant for what an empress of the Sith would be.

I simply turned my back to the throne and felt my heart swell with a new feeling, familiarity.

"Rey..." a new voice whispered, one of a man I'd never heard before but his voice was soft and comforting. "Rise to the light...Rey, become what you believe you should be" the voice chimed, I froze in place and turned around in my heels to see my cloaked self now gone, rather, the back of a man in brown robes. I furrowed my brow as my heart beater with a new feeling of life.

"Rey is dead, I killed her" I spit toward the robes man, a warm chuckle grew from his voice as he shook his head.

"No, you haven't, you've simply buried her but she's escaping...she is strong" the man said hopefully, I growled in anger and pulled the lightsaber from my belt and ignited the deadly weapon.

"Who are you?" I asked, I slowly walked toward him as I felt my heart beat with anxiety.

"You will soon know" he said hopefully, "but you are not ready" he said happily. I shouted in anger and raked my lightsaber through his body, his body disappearing into thin air and leaving nothing but a ragged cloak behind. I knelt down to the fabric and cautiously pressed my fingers into it.

I was immediately pulled from the vision and back to reality, where I fell from my meditative state and crashed on the ground. I heaved in harsh breaths as I stood from the ground and walked farther into my quarters. Into the one place where I could purge these thought of the light from my mind.

I entered my safe room and slowly approached the alter that laid just before a window that looked over the endless galaxy. A folded cloak worn by the emperor lie before me, I approached the alter and closed my eyes as I set my hand onto the fabric.

"Forgive me, for I feel the pull to the light. Show me...show me the power of the dark side" I asked of my grandfather, I suddenly saw flashes of white light play across my eyes as a voice entered my head.

"What are you doing?!" A young boys voice filled my head, "REY?!" He yelled.

"Execute the grandson of Darth Vader and you shall be rewarded" my grandfathers voice croaked in my head. I opened my eyes and shuddered at the sound of that voice...that voice from so long ago.

I exited my safe room and stood in the center of my bedroom when suddenly I felt a hum grow in my mind. I froze in place as I sensed something behind me, I whipped around and saw a commander standing in the corner of my room. She emerged with a tablet and handed me the screen, "the droid has been discovered on Takodana" she said sternly, I grabbed the tablet and saw the green planet lie before me on the screen.

"Prepare my ship, gather up the troops and prepare for an invasion" I commanded, she gave me a quick nod as I handed her back the tablet and watched her leave my quarters. By the time she'd left, I'd migrated to far window of my room and stared out at Starkiller base below me.

I had to find Skywalker before Solo did, it would be the end of the world if that boy I spared found our master.

"I will find you Skywalker...and I'll kill you like I should've all those years ago" I vowed into the vastness of space, Luke Skywalker should've died all those years ago.

"My lady, your ship is ready" a commander called from the entrance of my quarters, I glanced behind me and saw him standing tall in the doorway. I gave him a quick nod and walked toward the exit, grasping my helmet and placing it over my head. The mask closed over my eyes and I felt like a new person, no longer thinking of the times back at the temple.

Those days were gone. They burned with the temple after I made my decision.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now