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I laid in my bed and pulled the blanket over my body, shivering at the newborn coldness within the room and the fear that radiates from my body. I closed my eyes and took many breaths.

Tell me who you are

"My dear child, you are very powerful in the force, but you are no match for me" the voice croaked, no longer sounding like it was just in my head.

I watched as the darkness around me warped into a room with blackened stone walls and light flashing all around me, an evil presence was near...I knew it.

"Turn around child" the voice commanded, I furrowed my brow and slowly pivoted on my back foot, feeling my body tremble as I turned and met eyes with a creature sitting on a crimson and ebony throne. This man had golden robes adorning his thin, weary body. His face was sunken and aged. His eyes dropping and his jaw pushed to the side. A smirk was displayed on his face as he motioned for me to walk toward him.

I slowly took cautious steps toward the man, my heart was pounding with fear as I approached the man. "Who...who are you?" I asked weakly, my voice sounding foolish and feeble.

"My name is Snoke, and you my are quite the spectacle" he said proudly, I shuddered at his words and stopped before I could get any closer.

"What do you want?" I asked, Snoke just smiled and stood from his throne. Revealing his towering height and anemic body, his very presence terrified me.

"I want to show you the truth of your power Rey of Jakku, wouldn't you like to know your place in this world, in this galaxy?" He asked, the question was tempting but I remained silent.

"I understand you Rey, I feel your lonesomeness and your betrayal from your parents...I know you, I always have" he explained, his words sounded almost comforting in this terribly uncomfortable place.

"How could you understand? you just invade my mind" I spit, Snoke cackled and nodded his head.

"That's how I know, you are a troubled young woman, Rey...I want to help you become what you were meant to be" he said confidingly, I felt my body relax a small bit as his words sounded like a song. "When you awake, you will learn the truth of who you really are and when you do, come find me on Ilum" he explained, I choked on my breath as he smiled.

"Tell me, Snoke...why me?" I asked quickly, he smiled and lifted his hand. I suddenly felt my body become lifted from the ground but no pain.

"You have raw, untamed power that the galaxy needs, Skywalker is foolish and believes in limitations and confining, I believe on letting you embrace this power and become what you were truly meant to be" he said sincerely, I stared at him with wide eyes as I'd never felt someone as understanding as him.

He lowered me back to the ground and smirked, "Remember my apprentice, come to Ilum" he said one last time, but my body shuddered at the word apprentice.

I suddenly was back to the darkness that was sleep, I felt completely renewed after finding out this man. I felt safe within the words of Snoke, I trusted him, he understood what I was going through unlike Luke.

That's when I heard it.

The unsheathing of a lightsaber, I whipped my eyes open and glanced over my shoulder as green light enveloped my room. My eyes met with my master's, a look of horror on his face.

He's going to kill you, he's found out your power just as Snoke said. He betrayed you, he lied to you, you are nothing in his eyes, you are expendable.

The words flashed through my mind as I jarred my hand out and felt my own lightsaber fly to my hand, I ignited the weapon and lifted it toward Luke. Our sabers connected with a screeching force as the colors of the Jedi clashed.

"Rey! No!" Luke yelled, but it was too late.

I raised my hand toward the ceiling of my hutt and crushed my fist, watching as the remnants of my room crashed into my master and buried him under the debris. I averted the debris and escaped the tomb of my master, I stared at the destruction of my hutt and felt fury boil in my blood.

I looked at my destroyed hutt and thought Luke was dead, he had to be.

He betrayed me! Why would he betray me! He is a coward! I trusted Luke as my teacher! I balled my fists and felt my eyes begin to burn with anger.
Rey's eyes turn a hazy red as darkness fills her mind and clouds her thoughts, all she can feel is utter lost despair and betrayal. The red in her eyes seems to enter her very reality.
I suddenly watched as red storm clouds formed over the top of the temple. I watched in glory as lightning began to flash around the crimson clouds, the rainless storm above growing violent.

"Rey?!" A voice called, I whipped my eyes down to the entrance of the temple and saw Vai standing in the entrance.

That's when lighting erupted from the crimson clouds and struck the temple, I watched the deadly lightning berate the temple until finally the building couldn't handle its dark power. My eyes stared at Vai's until a blinding explosion ripped through the temple.

The explosion cause my body to go flying backward, sending me crashing into the ground behind me. I covered my eyes and saw a hellish fire consume the temple, I choked on my breath at what had just happened. I heard the screams of students trapped within the building suddenly grow horrifically silent.

"Rey!" Vai's voice screamed, My eyes scanned over the temples ruins until I laid eyes on Vai, "REY!" She screamed desperately. I felt sick to my stomach as I ran up to her.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now