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I suddenly watched the ship become encapsulated in blue light as Ben entered light speed. "Rey!" Ben yelled, he ran from the cockpit. His thunderous footsteps echoing through the quiet ship, even someone without the force could feel his panic. My eyes struggled to stay open as they filled with tears, panic was no longer keeping me awake. My breath was slow and heavy, the pain was inexplicably intense. "Ben..." I breathed out. I wanted to see him, I could feel myself growing weaker by the second and I hated it.

Ben appeared above me, his face was stricken with horrific worry as he placed his hand over mine on the wound. I cried out in pain and felt tears fall from my eyes. Ben lifted his hand from my side and whipped the blood on his pant leg, raising both his hands to my face and staring me in the eyes. "I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere" he said softly, I nodded my head and stared into his terrified eyes. "You're going to be ok" he breathed out.

I stifled out a breath and watched as the lights around me began to blur, growing brighter each second. The grip on my wound ceased its hold, leaving my wound to bleed openly. Ben quickly pulled a cloth from a pocket in his pants and pressed it to the wound. The white cloth becoming red in a matter of seconds.

He was scared, I could feel it.

The pain of him holding onto my side made me want to scream out in pain, I wanted to beg him to stop but he was desperate. I could feel the blood leaving me, it was slow and the makers were trying to make me die as painfully as possible.

"Rey...what you do next is your choice" Obi wan's voice filled my head, I furrowed my brow and stared into the light above me. "What?" I breathed out weakly, Ben was too focused on my wound to hear me.

"You may choose to continue fighting and suffer through this pain...or you can let go" Obi wan offered. Tears fell from my eyes as both offers were horrible yet so appealing. The pain I was in...I didn't know how much longer I could handle it. I closed my eyes, knowing what I had to do.

I slowly turned my head toward Ben and began to softly sob. "Ben" I breathed out, his eyes met mine and I could feel his anxiety, his own pain. "It's ok" I said softly, he furrowed his brow as I gave him a pained smile. "Let me go" I said softly.

He began to shake his head frantically, " Rey please don't go...I can't let you go, not now" he said desperately, his words were like swords to my heart but I couldn't fight anymore. My life force was fading and there was nothing either of us could do, we were both weakened in the force.

I reached my hand out toward him and placed it on the side of his face, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath my fingertips. My eyes were growing heavier by the second, I didn't know how much longer I could hold on. "Ben...hold me" I asked of him.

He pushed his sadness behind him and gently looped his arms under my knees and behind my back. He slowly lifted me from the medical bed and sunk to the floor, his back was pressed against the ships wall as he cradled my body in his arms. My arm lay weakly across my body as his open hand still tried to slow the bleeding.

He ran his other hand through my hair, the long locks of hair being stroked as he tried to comfort me. I stared up at him and felt helpless, "I'm sorry" I breathed out.

"Don't say that...everything's going to be fine" he tried to reassure me, I smiled toward him and shook my head. His face contorted into a desperate sob as he also could see my life fading.

I reached my hand up and placed it on the side of his face, he nuzzled into my hand and tears rolled down his face. I stared at him with hope in my eyes, I will not live along side him but I know he will continue to live a life of freedom and adventure. One I would only hope someone as spectacular as Ben Solo could live.

"I want like you never have before" I asked of him, he shook his head and pulled my body into an embrace. "It won't be worth living without you" he said softly, tears stung my eyes as the my vision became inexplicably blurry. He lowered me from the embrace and I kept my hand on the side of his face.

"Remember Ben...I love you, I always will" I said truthfully, Ben nodded his head and tears dropped from his eyes and fell onto my own cheeks. "I will, I love you too" he replied.

I smiled warmly, as my body felt warm and fuzzy inside, no longer cold and fading. I ran my thumb along his cheekbone and smiled once again, "that's all I needed to...hear..." I breathed out weakly.

My hand fell from his cheek as my body became limp, my vision grew a blinding white. The last thing I felt was my last breath leave my chest as Ben began to sob uncontrollably.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now