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I stared at him with wide eyes as he slowly walked toward me, a white cloak draped draped around his shoulder to protect him from the rain. As he grew closer, fear grew within me.

He's going to kill you, you're vulnerable.

I could see the look of worry in his eyes as he got closer to me, we were both afraid of each other but we didn't know how to handle it yet. His steps were careful, cautious as rain made my cloak heavy and made my body shiver with cold.

He'll hurt you, just as like had!

It's in his blood!


I listened to my foolish thoughts, before he could fully approach me, a wave of panic filled me as I glanced at his body and watched as the front of the cloak flew apart. My eyes spotted a lightsaber in his hip and panic filled me. He saw the fear in my eyes, he took a quick step toward me but that just made me more afraid. I turned my back to him and foolishly scurried off into the island, the only other time I'd felt this panic was after I had Ben at my mercy at the temple. This panic that consumed my thoughts and made my body do irrational things such as flee in the face of potential danger.

"No wait!" Ben called after me but ignored him, I ran around the coast of the island, my footsteps soft against the wet sand. I followed the sand until I heard the roar of something I haven't heard in forever.

A waterfall.

I gasped softly as I walked toward the center of the island, lush plants growing around my feet as I trudged through them. My heart swelled with bittersweet memories as the falls grew louder and louder.

The smell of flora filed my nose as I ventured through, the sound of water droplets smacking against rocks. The waves washing against the shore and the wind whistling across the trees. All were sounds I'd never truly listened to until now, the darkness within my muted all distractions such as the beauty of planets.

I pushed past a thick of vines dangling from a towering tree and it revealed an astonishing waterfall that roared with natural beauty. I stared in awe as I grew closer, it's rushing water seeming too good to be real.

I approached the falls and sat on a flat rock right underneath the gushing water. I felt my hair forward from under the cloak and I felt the water protect me the freezing rain, like a natural curtain.

I wrapped my arms around my body and stared into the ground. Why have I come here? I trusted Ben but I obeyed Snoke, I have Ben a choice on Takodana.

Now I'm the one who will have to make a choice.

As I stared at the ground, out of the corner of my eyes, I could see Ben approach me but I did not react

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As I stared at the ground, out of the corner of my eyes, I could see Ben approach me but I did not react. He carefully walked up to me and sat next to me, a sweet memory of my past flashed in my eyes. I kept my eyes trained on the connection of the falls to the large outlet of water that led to the ocean around us.

Ben took a deep breath and lowered the hood from his head, revealing dampened hair and red facial features as the cold bit his skin. The end of my hair that fell from my cloak became snap with condensation as I tightened the grip around myself.

I looked up into the falls and watched as a faint vision of myself as that dark, decrepit and evil self appeared before me. Tears stung my eyes as I stared at her, her smile sadistically twisted around her face as she looked over at Ben.

I glanced over at Ben as well and saw him staring right back at me, his dark eyes peering directly at me. He was scared, scared of me.

"Am I a monster?" I cried softly, Ben's expression changed to shock as I looked back toward the falls, seeing my evil reflection now vanquished. Ben was speechless as I looked down at my hands and saw the red skin, the dirt filled nails and the small scars adorned across me. I dropped my hands and looked back at Ben with teary eyes, "when you look at me, what do you see?" I asked.

Ben stared into my eyes for a moment, his face relaxing as he realized how troubled I was. He begged me to tell him of what Snoke has done to me, all the pain I'd suffered, but how he answers this question would determine if he truly wanted to know or not.

"I see you, I see Rey..." he breathed out, I stared at him with confused eyes as he continued, "Do you remember the last time we were together?" He asked.

I swallowed a clump forming in my throat and thought back to Takodana, and how I nearly killed him again. "Yes" I choked out, the bitter memory filling my mind. Ben just chuckled softly and looked at me with soft eyes.

"We were just children, you told me of your past" he said happily, I gasped softly as I realized he remembered the waterfall at the temple. I looked at him with wide eyes as he smiled. "You told me how your parents left you, I could sense the honesty in your voice...I can sense it now" he said softly.

There was this electricity I could feel, in was intoxicating. My own lips parted as he stared at me, I'd never felt this close to someone before, never in my whole life. My whole life, id felt so alone, this emptiness inside that only fueled my rage.

Ben was different, he offered comfort in the face of my hostility. He was compassionate and caring when I could never be, he was a good man. It made me feel awful, He'd seen me at my lowest and yet I've done nothing but try and hurt him.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now