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"Do not mock me" I spit, his eyes just narrowed and his brow furrowed. I looked him up and down, seeing as he twitched under my power. "Tell me where the droid is or your heart will meet the end of my saber" I hissed sternly.

As I stared at Ben, I knew he wouldn't give me the answers I wanted. I balled my open fist and felt my face grow hot. I growled in anger as I winded back my saber and was about to strike him when I heard the roar of ships above my head.

I furrowed my brow and looked up in annoyance at X-wings flying across Takodana's sky. I lowered my saber and glared down at Ben, "your friends have arrived" I sneered, I raised my com-link up to my mouth and smirked. "Deploy the knights to destroy the rebels" I commanded, Ben's eyes widened.

"Yes my lady" a captain called in return through the com, I faced Ben and felt victorious. Ben's eyes glanced behind me and whipped back to me, I furrowed my brow as he pressed his lips together and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry this has happened to you" he said softly, I cocked my head and suddenly felt a burning pain erupt through my side, I screamed in pain and stumbled to the ground as I turned around and saw the traitor pointing a blaster at me.

I growled in anger and tried to push myself to my feet, pain pulsating through my side as I grasped it with my gloves hand. I choked cry escaped my lips as I felt as though I couldn't breathe through my mask. I suddenly felt another blast rip through my left shoulder, I screamed once more and watched as the dark skinned man ran toward me, blaster pointed at my head.

"Stop!" Ben yelled, my eyes flickered to him as Ben stopped FN-2187 from attacking me further, I would've thanked him if it weren't for my distain for his existence. Blood seeped from my side as I tried to make myself stand, letting the adrenaline rush through me. I slowly forced myself to stand, my very strength fading as I could feel blood leaving my body. This mask made me feel trapped within my own creation. I raised my bloodied hands to the sides of my mask and ripped the helmet from my head, taking a breath of freedom as I finally could.

The helmet clamored to the ground in a heavy heap as my tired eyes met Ben's. The look of remorseful sadness stared back at me as Ben slowly held out his hand toward me.

Ben stared at me with wide eyes as I gripped my side and feebly raised my saber toward him. "Let me help you" Ben offered, I stared at him with bloodied rage and swung my lightsaber through the air, wavering my stance.

"You can't help me!" I spit, I raised my wrist com up to my lips and saw it was smoking with damage. I shouted anger and slammed my arm against a tree, destroying the communications device. I glared back at Ben and used a tree to stable myself so I could look him in the eyes. The traitor was being held back by Ben, a smile growing across my face as the traitor fought to try and kill me.

"We can finally end this!" The traitor yelled, "no, we can't! If we kill her, we have done nothing to slow them down!" Ben spit to the man. He simply pushed the traitor to the ground and turned back toward me. I felt my knees begin to buckle under me, I simply grasped the tree harder and felt my eyes begin to flutter.

"You're hurt" he said softly as he began to walk toward me. I scoffed and heard the sound of ships exploding in the sky, a war waging just outside this peaceful and flourishing forest. "Put your problems behind you and let me help you" he offered but I shook my head. Tears falling from my eyes in rage as I rejected his offer.

"You're my enemy" I growled out, my eyes averted toward the traitor and I thrusted my hand toward him. He froze in place and I lifted him into the air, Ben's eyes widened with fear as I controlled his friends life. "Give...me...the droid" I breathed out, Ben's eyes stayed on the traitors as the man shook his head.

"Don't tell her! We need Luke!" The man yelled as I growled in anger and made him shriek in pain.

"QUIET!" I yelled, "make your choice" I spit, Ben just stared at me and I smirked, he has realized I'm no young Jedi. I was not that girl he remembered from the temple.

"I'm sorry" Ben said softly, I smiled beneath my pain only to have been fooled. Ben thrusted his hand out and my body was thrown backward, my hold on the traitor ceasing. I slammed my fist into the ground as my body was too weak to stand once more. I looked in their direction and watched as they ran away, farther into the woods. Ben glanced over his shoulder once at me and I felt the shame of his glance wash over me.

The last thing I remember was the feeling of my blood spread across the grass below me. The hiss of pain as I took slow, heavy breaths as I flipped onto my back and looked into the blue sky above.

It's been a year since Ive seen a blue sky...

My eyes began to close as my lightsaber fell from my grasp, rolling into the grass next to my body as I faded from consciousness. "Fire!" A man yelled.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now