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I relaxed my grip on his shoulders and let my arms wrap around his neck, my heart was beating louder than the falls just behind me. Ben lifted his hand to the side of face and cupped my cheek, a feeling I'd never felt before but didn't mind feeling.

I choked on my breath before my eyes locked on Ben's lips just as he did mine. Without question, I dove my face toward his and pressed my lips against his. Electricity fired through my body and caused my heart to soar.

Ben wrapped his arms around me and held me close as I held his lips to mine

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Ben wrapped his arms around me and held me close as I held his lips to mine. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. The man id claimed was my enemy was now the man I have found to become infatuated with. Our breaths were in synch as his hand stabilized my back and rested just over my spine. I cautiously tried to run my fingers through his hair, but I stopped myself as I was too scared of what would happen if I did.

Ben felt my fear and broke the kiss apart, staring at me with soft, content eyes. He smiled toward me, his warm and comforting smile. "I have an idea" he breathed out, I furrowed my brow and felt him begin to walk toward the edging the small pool. My heart longing for this moment not to be over, he laced his hand within mine and smiled as he carefully unwinded my legs from around him. He held my hand as he led me from the pool and back toward the place under the falls. He released my hand and picked up my red cloak, holding it out for me.

I concealed a smile as I walked toward him and let the dry fabric fall over my body and mask my now wet clothes. I reached down and picked up all my other belongings, trying to discreetly pick up my lightsaber and place it inside my boot.

Once he had his belongings, he reached his hand out once again and I took it. He held my hand as he led me around the island, the sound of my footsteps following his was like music. He walked me up the side of the island, along the coast and toward the collection of huts along the hillside.

I felt my heart humming with anxiety as he motioned toward a hut on the far side of the hill, where I could see a fire burning inside. He approached the hut and pulled back the fabric curtain that led to the interior. I walked through the entrance and admired the small space.

I suddenly felt Ben's arms around my waist and he placed his head on my shoulder, a small smile spread across my lips.

My mind couldn't comprehend why someone like Ben would love someone like me, a killer

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My mind couldn't comprehend why someone like Ben would love someone like me, a killer. I sighed softly and leaned my head back toward him, feeling his breath against my neck. I closed my eyes and just tried to not be frightened by everything around me. Ben wasn't trying it hurt me, he was simply being kind to me and I was new to feeling kindness.

"Rey?" He asked, I turned my head toward him and looked him in the eyes. He smiled and cleared his throat, "you have to answer a question for me" he said plainly. I softly furrowed my brow and gave him a look of confusion as I awaited his question.

"That night at the temple, when you had the chance to kill me...why didn't you?" He asked, I choked on my breath and whipped my head forward, staring at the walls of the hut.

Why didn't I kill him?

"I saw what a monster I'd become, I realized all that I'd done and I couldn't bring myself to kill another" I confessed, my voice nearly breaking each time I spoke of myself. "Snoke told me you'd become my enemy if I let you live...I'm discovering how wrong Snoke was about many...many things" I breathed out, I slowly made my eyes lift back to his. He breathed out a warm smile and I walked out from his embrace, he reached his hand out and gently grasped my wrist, giving me a look of excitement.

"Like what?" He asked softly, "what are you trying to say?" his face almost looked anxious. I turned toward him and placed my hand on the side of his face. Once my fingertips lingered on his cheek, I felt much safer than before because he didn't pull away.

"I don't want you to be my enemy Ben, I feel...whole when I'm with you" I confessed, struggling to get the words out as he stared at me with excitement. "I feel like I'm finally not alone when I'm with you"

"Me too" he admitted, I looked at him with grateful eyes as he raised his hand up to the good of my cloak. He slowly lowered the red fabric and kept his eyes on me as he pulled the cloak from my shoulders. I stayed frozen as he slowly pulled the white cloak from his shoulders.

The next thing I knew, Ben had his hands wrapped around my waist and lift me into the air. I squealed in surprise as I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I snaked my hand into the back of hair and felt the soft, dark locks swirl around my fingers. Ben backed up to a small cot and sat down on the mattress.

I smiled toward him and watched a look of amazement flash across his face, "I haven't seen you smile in so long" he confessed, "you're beautiful when you smile"

Heat flashed to my cheeks as I giggled softly and leaned back down toward him, pressing my lips to his once more. My stomach fluttered as his hands explored around my waist and back. I could feel his chest rising against mine and I loved everything about this moment.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now