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Late at night...

I lay next to Ben on the cot, his arm wrapped around my body as I slept. I could hear a storm raging on outside and it made the hut groan with effort to stay standing. I brushed a piece of hair out of my face and opened my eyes in the darkness of the night.

I could feel my heart swell with happiness as I laid there, feeling his breath behind me as I knew he was just as in love with me as I was him. I smiled softly and a small yawn escaped my lips. I glanced over my shoulder and saw his sleeping face, a look of pure peace and serenity on his handsome face.

The embers of the fire crackled and hissed as they were about to be extinguished. I slowly gazed around the room, my eyes catching a small, blinking green dot peaking out of the corner of Ben's satchel. I furrowed my brow and extended my hand toward the object, I let the force wrap around the object and slowly float toward me.

Just as it was about to reach my hand, I heard the roar of a ship outside. I jumped up from the bed and awoke Ben with me, his eyes were wide with fear as I stood from the bed and ran to the entrance. I grabbed my cloak in the process and pulled it over my body as I pulled back the curtain to the hut and saw a resistance transport, flying extremely slow toward the surface and my heart sunk.

He betrayed me.

I felt my blood begin to boil as I slowly turned around and saw Ben cautiously standing from his bed. All he was wearing was a black tunic and trousers, his eyes were wide and pleading for me to listen but all I could hear was my heartbeat. I stared at him with a hellish rage and balled my fists. I extended my hand out toward my lightsaber and let the hilt soar to my hand.

I ignited the weapon and watched as blood light encompassed the room and masked Ben's features with red light. "You..." I spit, not being able to finish what I had to say. Tears stung my eyes as I held the saber.

"Rey, listen to me-" he began to say but his cried fell on deaf ears. I felt the tears fall down my cheeks as I saw him stare into my eyes, he could see my rage. He quickly pulled his boots onto his feet and stood straighter, that only furthered my thinking of his betrayal.

"You betrayed me" I hissed quietly, he shook his head but I ignored the action. "I guess it runs...in your family" I spit. I glanced down and saw he had his lightsaber in his hands. I screamed in anger and lunged at him.

He ignited his saber and caught my attack before I could do any damage. I twirl my saber in the air and struck for his arms but he was faster. He blocked the attack and pushed me backward, putting space between us in the small space.

I shouted in anger and shoved my hands out to the side, the hut exploded into chunks of stone. Letting the rain pour onto us, as if the makers were trying to drown my raging fury. Ben stared at my destruction and I just glared at him.

"Rey! Don't do this!" Ben yelled, we began to circle each other. Ben was trying to explain himself but I wouldn't listen, I wanted to kill him. "You don't understand!" Ben yelled.

"Traitor!" I yelled in fury, he traded my heart for gain in the resistance. I felt tears stream down my face as I lunged toward him once again, the blade of my lightsaber narrowly missing his leg as he deflected my attack. We got into a lock-up, our blades neither moving or separating.

"Rey please!" Ben cried, I shouted in anger and sucked beneath his blade. Attempting to kill him as I should all those years ago, but failing. I growled in anger as he continued to block my attacks, " I don't want to fight you!" He yelled, "I wouldn't do this to you! I love you-"

"Quiet!" I yelled as I swung my blade across the air, ripping through the night as our blades continued to crash together. "I'll kill you! I kill you and I'll kill Luke!" I screamed in pain, I didn't mean these words. My heart yelled at me to not hurt Ben but he did this to himself. I jarred my foot out and kicked his chest, he stumbled back and threw his blade up horizontally.

"You used me! You tricked me into coming here! You used my vulnerability against me!" I spit, screaming through the storm. Ben shook his head and stared at me with wide eyes. He looked full of despair and fear. He broke my heart, he deserves to be hurt.

"I didn't know they were coming! I never meant to hurt you! Rey, I want to help! Let me help you!" He cried, I shook my head and began to sob, he obviously saw my tears.

"Liar!" I shouted, I began to violently bask down on the blade, causing him to fall on his back, desperately trying to defend himself.

I kicked the lightsaber from his grasp and just as I was about to plunge my saber into his chest, my body hummed with a feeling I haven't felt in a long time.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw...


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