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Three hours Later..

"Rey! Are you coming to dinner?" Vai called from outside my hutt, I gasped softly as I quickly wiped the tears from under my eyes and tried to clean myself up as best as possible.

I stood up from the ground and brushed off the back of my pants, working as fast as I could before I heard Vai pull the curtain back to my hutt. "Hey, are you ok?" She asked softly, I kept my back to her as I nodded my head.

"Yeah I just...took a nap and didn't wake up" I lied, she giggled and patted my back, "I'll be right there if you want to go ahead" I said quickly, she sighed softly and flicked her tongue.

"Ok, I'll save a spot for you next to me" she explained before exiting my hutt and leaving me to my lonesomeness again. Vai was the closest thing I had to a sister, and yet I hurt her today. I let this power get the best of me and I didn't even let my mind tell itself that she want the enemy.

I simply ran my fingers through my hair and changed out of my dirty robes and into a cleaner, more comfortable pair of robes. The sand colored fabric reminded me of Jakku as I wrapped the fabric around my body and pulled a dark, trailing robe around my body. I left my lightsaber on my bed as I exited my hutt. The smell of torches burning as I felt the cool wind of the night return. The dark skies above sent a chill down my spine as I heard the boisterous laughs and chatter of students within the temple.

I slowly made my way toward the temple, dreading tonight when I would know who this mind probing culprit is. As I entered the temple, I felt a deep feeling of being left out as when I walked inside, all the other students gave me sour looks.

I quickly moved toward Vai and watched a smile grow across her face as I sat down next to her and picked up the bowl of Rasporian soup before me.

"Rey, is it true that you used the force against Vai?" A girl, Gunta Hubatka, asked as I just began to relax. I froze in place and glanced over to Vai, who looked just as irked by the question.

"We were just sparring and she won, easy at that" Vai said plainly, discreetly putting her hand on my back to comfort me as she knew I didn't do well with confrontation.

"We were just sparring and she won, easy at that" Vai said plainly, discreetly putting her hand on my back to comfort me as she knew I didn't do well with confrontation

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"Is that true, Rey?" Gunta asked again, I gazed toward her with spite as I knew she was trying to embarrass me. I took heavy breaths through my nostrils and narrowed my eyes toward her. "Just like Vai said. We were sparring, I won" I spit, I ate a spoonful of stew and felt Vai remove her hand from my back and smirk.

"I thought master Skywalker advised against using the force on other students?" Jax, a young boy asked me. I just shrugged my shoulders and heard Gunta scoff.

"Maybe you should meditate some more before you do something you'll regret, scavenger" Gunta hissed, I pressed my lips together and felt my blood grow thick with ire.

"You are an outsider, they do not respect you...but one day they will learn how wrong they were to antagonize you" the voice croaked.

"Stop talking" I snapped back quietly, "if I cared for your words, I would've been hurt over your poor excuse of an insult" I spit. Vai choked on her stew and tried not to spit it out as she suppressed a laugh. I smiled with victory as Gunta sat back in her seat and began talking to Yen once more.

"That was a good one" Vai whispered in my ear, I laughed and took another bite of stew. I glanced up at the other students and saw them all talking amongst themselves.

I just sat back and tried to finish my dinner as quickly as possible, scarfing down the food and drinking the cup of cold water before standing from the table and wishing a good night to Vai.

I exited the temple and felt my heart pounding in my chest as I grew closer to my room, where I would finally learn more.

Just as I was about to reach my hutt, I heard Vai call my name. I turned around and saw her waving her hand at the entrance of the temple. I furrowed my brow and watched as she jogged up to me and smiled.

"Everything ok?" I asked quickly, she just smiled and nodded her head.

"I just wanted to tell you that Gunta said she was sorry, and that she didn't know how much that would upset you" Vai said softly, I just nodded my head and longed to enter my hutt. But Vai reached out grabbed my hand, holding them in a comforting way.

"All of us are going to be in the temple tonight, are you sure you want to go to sleep yet?" She asked, I nodded my head and rubbed my eyes.

"I'm really tired" I lied, she just smiled and pulled me into a quick hug.

"Alright, have a good night" she said happily, before breaking the hug and smiling toward me, I smiled in return and watched as she walked back into the temple. The chatter and cheers of the other students echoing over the fields.

I took a saddened breath and walked back into my hutt, closing the curtain behind me and staring at my bed, knowing this night would change my knowledge on everything.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now