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I could feel my heart pounding against my chest, I'd never felt like this before but I never wanted it to stop. I dug my fingers through his hair and felt the silky locks between my fingers, the raven color masking my fingers within his hair.

I reached my hands toward his tunic and bunched the fabric in my hands, feeling the soft texture in my palms. I giggled softly as I pulled on the shirt, as if telling him he didn't need it anymore. I watched in muffled shock as he lifted himself from over me and grabbed the collar of his shirt. I stifled a laugh as he pulled the tunic over his head and revealed miles of pale skin I'd never seen before. I snatched the shirt from his hands and tossed it behind my head, quickly pulling him back down toward me.

I suddenly felt his hands toy with the dangling fabric across my chest, the transparent white fabric that was only there for decoration. I aided him as we pulled the excess fabric from my body and threw it behind me, probably landing near where his tunic was.

The next I disposed of was my shoes, I kicked them from my feet, hearing a small song thud against the floor as they fell. Ben's followed soon after. I breathed in a quick breath as I felt his hand slid beneath my neck and he slowly pulled apart from me. I stared into his wondrous, deep eyes and I couldn't help but see what I wanted to see.

"Let's run away" I said softly, Ben stifled in a breath and a wide smile appeared across his lips. The smile slowly faded as he stared at me with helpless eyes "What about Snoke?" He asked, I shook my head and smiled in return.

"Snoke can no longer control me, he can purge my thoughts and give me nightmare but he can not control me as he has before" I explained but Ben shook his head, "I can't have you living in pain for the rest of your life with me...I'd curse myself every day" he breathed out, I felt my heart sink.

You must kill Snoke to be free.

"Tomorrow, I will take you to Snoke and we will face him...together" I breathed out quietly, Ben's pained smile returned as I knew he was worried. "I know what to do" I stated, I was not lying. Snoke has always said I was conflicted but now...I only sense resolve with Ben.

Ben nodded his head softly and I could feel his heart aching over my long desensitized pain. I was used to hearing Snoke in my mind, he usually came when there was silence, when I almost found peace.

I drew inexplicable sketches across his back as he lay above me, supported only by his arms. I just smiled and watched as he smiled in return, even if there was tension, he was still happy to be with me.

"I want to be with you, I want to go back to the waterfall and live my days seeing you shine under the suns" Ben explained, my heart seemed to beat more slowly, more intrigued than invigorated.

He reached out his rather large hand and began to brush through my hair, he smiled as he pushed himself from over me and looped his hands under my arms. "What are you-?" I began to ask but he shushed me.

I giggled as he moved me from horizontal on the bed to lying how you should be, my rested on his left thigh as I leaned back against his chest and felt him toy with my hair. The very long, dark locks cascaded across the sheets of my bed.

There was nothing more said between us, I couldn't say anything that would get me killed before Snoke and he was happy playing with my hair. I slowly turned my head toward him and saw the light in his eyes. He was truly happy with me, I hadn't seen someone smile at me, truly smile as me for so long. Yet all the smiles came from Ben, because he'd somehow looked beyond my past and saw me.

The real me that was buried beneath the layers of hatred, darkness and evil Snoke piled over me. He was the light in my darkness, he was my other half...he was the space to fill the void in my soul.

I felt my eyelids grow heavy as his petting made my eyes weary. I nuzzled within his arms and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath as my cheek laid against his bare chest. I could feel his heartbeat, I could feel his chest rising and falling beneath my face and it soothes me.

My body fell asleep but my mind was awake, searching for anything that could ruin this night for me, for I didn't want anything to happen. Soon enough, I heard the deep breaths of a sleeping man behind me, for Ben had fallen asleep too.

I love you.

In the morning...

I slowly opened my eyes, a feeling of bliss washing over me as I realized I'd slept soundly through the whole night. I slowly looked over my shoulder to see Ben sleeping once more, his face looking just as peaceful as Fulovu. My heart ached at the thought of waking up to take him to Snoke.

I had such a wonderful moment with him and now it had to all end because of Snoke. I felt Ben's breath against my neck as I slowly rolled over, facing him once more. I gently brushed pieces of his hair out of his face, his eyes gently fluttering open as I tried to wake him up as slowly as possible.

His eyes met mine and I smiled warmly, I felt his arms wrap around me even more and pulled me closer to him. I giggled softly and let my hand fall against his arm, his warm skin beneath my hand. "Good morning sleeping beauty" I joked, he laughed and groaned dramatically.

He stared up at me with wondrous eyes, "what happens now?" He asked, I sighed softly and continued to play with his hair. "I don't know... all I know is that things may never be the same" I said truthfully, Ben sighed and gently slipped his fingers into my hair.

"At least this new beginning can start like this" he breathed out, I smiled and slowly pushed myself up from the mattress. "We should probably get dressed" I said sourly, he agreed.

The dreadful day began.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now