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"General Hux stated that he not leave the cell at any times" the troopers said diligently. I smirked and placed my hand on the shoulder of one troopers.

"Who would rather listen to that weasel of a general...or me?" I asked, the troopers posture seemed to straighten as I felt his answer rising. He wasn't going to listen to me.

I sighed softly and waved my hand in front of his, "you will take the prisoner to my chambers" I said persuasively, the trooper lowered his his blaster and grabbed Ben's arm.

"I will take the prisoner to your chambers" he repeated in a monotone, I smiled at Ben and watched a surprised smirk appear on his face as he was pulled away. I turned my back to Ben and began to walk toward the bridge, I pulled the cloak around my shoulder and lifted the hood over my face.

I just needed to make a quick stop with my good friend Hux.

But I didn't even make it to the bridge.

"Ren!" Hux's obnoxious voice pierced through the dormant halls of the command ship. I smirked beneath my hood and turned around, seeing him standing in the middle of the hall. My smirk faded as I saw Ben in the grasps of the knights of Ren. How the hell did they do that? "What exactly were you doing with the prisoner?" Hux questioned.

I took a step toward him and discreetly unclipped the lightsaber from my hip. "That does not concern you, General" I spit. Ben's eyes were wide with fear Vicrul held a sword to his throat.

"Actually it does, Ren, you don't not control my men nor you do not control my ship" he spit, he walked straight up to me and stood before me. I stood tall as he tried to intimidate me.

"Stand aside Hux, or I will not hesitate as I have before" I hissed through my teeth, Hux shuddered at my words but did not stand down. I smirked and pushed past Hux and stared down the knights of Ren. "Stand down men, am I not your leader?" I questioned.

Vicrul thankfully pulled the sword from Ben's throat and stood before me, "you cannot do that!" Hux cried. I glanced over my shoulder and saw his angered face.

"They serve me, I am Velle're a joke" I spit, I turned back to the knights and smiled toward them. "At ease men, I give you free will for the night" I said proudly. The knights all nodded toward me and walked away from Ben, marching past Hux and I and disappeared around the hall.

I turned toward Hux and saw his face deathly pale, we both knew I'd won and he could do nothing. "Know your place Hux, because you're not my equal" I spit, I marched over to Ben and grasped his arm, pulling him from the ground.

"Nice" Ben mumbled quietly, I smiled softly beneath my hood and marched Ben toward my chambers. As we grew closer to my room, I could feel my heart pounding with anxiety. Who knows how much longer I'll have Ben for, before I'll have to do something I never thought possible.

I reached the doors of my chambers and forced them open, leading Ben within the room and turning toward the panel by the door and programming to never open during the night. I turned to face Ben within the room and saw him awkwardly gazing around my room. I did find this slightly strange but at the same time I didn't care.

I slowly walked away from the door, staring at Ben as I stalked closer. Ben raised his brow toward me and a sly smirk grew across his face.

"Your room is cool" he said softly, I giggled at his adorable comment and tilted my head slightly. "I like the um..." he trailed off, he opened his lips to start talking again but I stood right in front of him.

"No more talking" I demanded, I ripped the cloak from my shoulder and wrapped my arms around Ben's neck. Ben simply smiled in reply and clamped his hands on my waist, holding me close as I pressed my lips to his once more. This didn't feel like before, this felt like true passion for each other. I couldn't tell him I loved him, if Snoke entered his mind and read his thoughts...he'd find out my love for Ben. And it would all disappear.

I kept my true feelings pushed to the brim of my heart as I closed my eyes and let what was going to happen, happen. I pushed on his chest and watched him stumble backward until he reached the edge of my bed.

He sat down on the edge of my bed and I moved closer toward him, his strong arms wrapped around my thighs as I combed my fingers through his hair. His eyes widened at the sight of the mattress and breathed out a laugh. "What?" I asked, he raised his hand up to my face and placed it on my cheek, he slid his thumb over my bottom lip and I felt like melted wax.

He smirked and gaze into my eyes, "I thought you said no more talking?" He questioned humorously but his voice was laced with hunger.

He stood from the edge of my bed and circled around me until he was behind me. I furrowed my brow and turned to face him, he laughed and slowly lowered himself toward me. I laughed softly and lowered with him until my back touch the blankets upon my bed.

I crawled further into the mattress until we were both within it's borders, I smiled and placed my hands on the side of his face, pulling his lips back to mine. He obliged and kissed me in return, I mean really kissed me. This was no longer quaint, loving kisses...I could feel his heartbeat in line with mine, we had passion for each other. Burning passion that couldn't be contained nor hidden any longer, and I adored it.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now