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I fluttered my eyes open, they were heavy and weak but I managed as dim lights filled my vision. I could faintly see a hospital bay, I was laying on the white bed and there was someone sitting next to me.

I slowly turned my head to see an older woman sitting by my side, a dark cane underneath both her hands as she stared at the floor. I stared at her for a moment longer and felt a hint of familiarity within her presence.

She suddenly looked at me, her chocolate brown eyes as she smiled softly. "Welcome back" she breathed out calmly, I furrowed my brow and watched as she reached her hand across my face and lifted the oxygen mask from my mouth. I wanted to thank her but I was much too weak.

She smiled and placed her hand on my forearm, her warmth soothing to me as my abdomen ached softly. "Where...where am I?" I asked weakly, my voice raspy and meek.

"You're at a resistance base" she explained, slight panic filled me as my eyes stared around the room. The woman sensed my worry and rubbed her thumb against my skin. "You're safe, Ben told me about what you did" she explained.

"Ben." I said weakly, excitement and anxiety filed me as I realized he wasn't here. I immediately tried to sit up, wondering where he was or if he was truly safe. The woman placed her hand on my shoulder and slowly pushed me back toward the stiff mattress. The woman smiled and stood from the small seat she was on before.

"I'll get him for you" she said softly, I nodded my head and gazed at her for a moment longer.
"I know you" I breathed out, she furrowed her brow and smiled, I studied her face for a bit longer and finally connected the dots. "Luke had a hologram of're his sister, Leia?" I guessed, she nodded and placed her hand over mine.

"Well done" she said softly, I smiled weakly and tried to calm myself down. I could feel ben, he was near me yet so far away. Leia smiled and I could feel a question radiating from her tongue, waiting to be asked. I told her with my eyes to ask it, luckily she did.

"My son says that you saved his that true?" She asked, I stared up at her and felt a clump grow in my throat. I swallowed it down and shook my head, a look of slight disappointment filled her face.

"Your son...saved me" I corrected, I watched as her disappointed face began to beam with pride as she turned away from me and began to walk from the hospital room. She smiled once more and stood in the doorway of the room. "Thank you" she said softly.

She slowly left the room and I looked down at myself, wires and tubes were connected to my arms and torso, I looked like a monster. I took a deep breath and reached my hand up to the tubes in my wrist. I quickly pulled the needle from under my skin and let it fall to the side. I continued to free myself of the medical supplies until there was nothing plugged into me anymore, I was free of everything.

I laid back on the bed and lifted the thin blanket over my body to see my torso wrapped in thick, cream colored fabric. I giggled softly to myself at the irony of getting blasted and surviving... kind of.

I'm sure not many people have done that, at least I don't think so.

I laid my head back once more and closed my eyes, I was searching for Ben as I dug through the force around me. Until I found him.

His heart was beating wildly, he'd received the news. I smiled warmly as I could feel his rapid breaths and his adrenaline pumping through his body. I slowly opened my eyes and felt my heart flutter as I sensed how close he was. The conception between us was so strong...I don't know how else to describe it other than, perfect unison.

I felt whole again, I couldn't wait any longer. I ripped the blanket from my bed and tried to stand but I crumpled to the floor as my legs were too weak. I grit my teeth and used the wall to support myself as I walked from the room. I was still wearing my ceremonial garb from the accident, dirt and blood still splattered here and there.

I stumbled through the medieval bay, I could see the exit door just in front of me. Ben was radiating in my mind, he was so close. I pushed open the medical door and was nearly blinded my afternoon sunshine that washed warmth over my skin. I feebly raised my hand up to my eyes to shield the sun until my body hummed with a glorious feeling.

I looked ahead of myself and saw Ben standing across from what seemed to be a common area. I felt tears sting my eyes and a clump form in my throat as I began to run toward him, my heart pounding against my chest. I began to softly sob as I watched him run toward me.

I could see the tears growing in his eyes, I could see his trembling hands and his weary footsteps as we bounced toward each-other. I squealed in pure happiness as I leapt toward him. He opened his arms and I crashed into them, feeling his embrace wrap around body.

We crumpled to the stone floor below and just held each other, thankful to the makers for keeping us alive. I began to sob as I grasped his tunic and tried to pull him as close as humanly possible. I ran my fingers through his hair and felt my fingers tingle beneath my skin and straight to my bones. "You're real" I breathed out, he nodded his head and separated the embrace.

I stared into his chocolate eyes and saw nothing but admiration and love for me. He placed his hand on the side of my face and let out a breath of relief, "you're alive" he said breathlessly. I laughed and nodded my head before grabbing his face and pulling it to mine.

Our lips connected and I couldn't have asked for a better moment. We went from hopelessness to complete hope for each other. Hatred to loving and compassionate. Fear to understanding and acceptance. I loved him, I would love him for eternity.

I separated our kiss and grabbed his hands, smiling giddily. "Let's go back to the waterfall" I offered.

He nodded his head and pulled me from the ground, "I know somewhere much better" he said happily, I furrowed my brow but happily followed him as he did not let go of my hand.

He boarded the nearest ship, entered navigation to a place I didn't know and directed the ship to fly autopilot. I stood in the cockpit and eyed the direction. "Naboo?" I questioned, he smiled and stood from the pilot seat.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me from the ground, I squealed and felt as he moved toward the back of the ship where a small table meant for playing Dejarik. I laughed boisterously as I sat down on the table and watched Ben move close to me. "What's on Naboo that's so special?" I asked curiously, he lowered his face to mine and smirked.

"No more talking" he said softly, I smiled and pushed my lips against his, wrapping my arms around his legs and feeling his hands press against the table beside my legs. I liked not talking.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now